Posted on March 30th
We are into Week 2 of this lockdown/isolation now and I just wanted to check in with you
I think last week a lot of us were trying to get our head round everything, find a new routine and a new way of doing things…I know I certainly was and now Im into week 2 I feel more organised and ready to get going.
Are you ready to get a new routine going? We are so used to being in a routine with work, school and kids….it can be really hard when its all thrown up and life has to change, but we can adapt and change…we just need to take some time to reflect and think
What have you been struggling with he most?
Quite often when stuck at home with no routine our health, nutrition and fitness can drop off….and do you know what THATS OK!!
If last week you ate all the food, didn’t move and didn’t even get dressed….then thats OK and do you know what maybe your body needed that. If last week you didn’t do any homeschooling ro anything you said you were going to do…then ITS OK
We cant beat ourselves up for what we have done and how we have dealt with this crazy situation…its unknown to us all and we just need to accept that\
Fitness Gains/Weight Loss etc are NOT important right now….so please dont stress yourself over it BUT also if you want to move then YOU DO IT
Week 2 is here and maybe its time for some structure and a schedule….maybe its time to plan your food, your day and get a NEW routine going….take some time today to sit down, reflect and plan a schedule for this week, get a new routine going that will work for you NOW
Dont worry about what you used to do or what you will be doing when this is all over . Plan for NOW, Plan for this coming week take the pressure off yourself
Do you need some help?
Let me know
You are doing amazingly in these circumstances
Jen x