Dedicated to getting Real Women... Real Results
Posted by Jen Mercer on January 7th
Ive seen so much BS already about New Year and what we “should” be doing and all these “amazing” things people have that can help us lose weight an be better…..always fuelling into our insecurities and quite often making us feel insecure about something we may never have before. So here’s a list of things […]
Posted by Jen Mercer on January 7th
Just a reminder as you think about trying to “fix” your body this New Year
Posted by Jen Mercer on March 2nd
Your Menstrual Cycle in Four Phases Keep in mind the menstrual cycle can vary greatly from woman to woman or month to month and still be considered normal. Generally, the length of your menstrual cycle can fluctuate from three weeks to five weeks, without alarm. When counting the days in your cycle, always count […]
Posted by Jen Mercer on March 1st
Menopause can be a positive transition in a Woman’s Life A time to really focus on You and what truly makes you happy Here’s 5 things we should be focusing on Tag a friend Share away Jen x
Posted by Jen Mercer on March 1st
Guess what??? Most people have belly rolls when they sit down And dya know what??? THATS OK!! Thanks for your time Jen x