Posted on February 1st
May I present “Vitamin D” – …A vitamin that is getting spoken about more and more lately and about time I say……And NO Offence Vitamin C but Vit D may now be the bee’s knee;s as you body relies on it….so move over C and make way for D!!
Vit D also always used to be the “robin” the Calciums “batman” but this is all a change – Vit D actually encourages the absorbtion & metabolism of Calcium and Phosphate levels in Blood!
Vitamin D is a major player in overall Health and may be just what the doctor ordered. Vitamin D is the “Sunshine Vitamin”……but as we all are in the UK…we dont really see a lot of sunshine throughout the year (which actually explains why so many people suffer from SAD in the Winter) To Avoid getting SAD in the Winter make sure that when the sun is shining that you try and get out there and top up your Vit D stores….you never know when you may need them.
Anyways…here I am waffling on about how amazing Vit D is…..well incase you think its all BS…take a look at the list below:
Lots of us are deficient in Vit D – without even realising it, maybe from the foods we DONT eat or just for the simple fact we dont get enough sun/daylight as we should…lets be honest if you are stuck in an office all day with artificial lighting and air con…its not really the ideal way to get VIt D stored topped up. Now I am not saying give up your job and go and work outside…but what I will say is GET OUT whether its on your break, lunch or even getting off the bus a stop earlier….ENJOY the sun whenever you can. Even if you just get out for 10-15 mins…surely thats better than nothing?
I supplement Vitamin D – as it helps keep my levels topped up all year round
When its cold and dark in Winter the last thing we all want to do is go outside, so we stay all snuggled up in the warm….but gone are the days of that….I know we are having a lucky spell at the moment with the weather, but surely this should make you want to make the most of it all?? As I said before, whether it means just walking somewhere, standing outside on your lunch or even exercising outside…the benefits to Fresh Air are endless:
So what are you waiting for?? Log off Facebook and GET OUTSIDE…because if this isnt going to last for long….you better make the most of it!!!
Get some VIt D onto your skin, absorb into your body and top up the stores
Breath in the Fresh Air and full your lungs
You’ll be amazed at how FAB you will feel just by doing this….Oh and did I say its FREE!!
The sun has got his hat on….hip, hip, hip HORAAAYYYY!!!