Posted on May 13th
The week before lockdown when I lost every single part of my business…I was so upset – I was just thinking…what has just happened, everything Ive built up in the past 10 years of business was just took from under my feet and I had no control over it
I knew I did have control over 1 thing though and that was that I am going to make this work online…..and right there and then I set up my Online Fitness Studio – I wasn’t sure how it would go, what would happen or even if it would work for me.
Here I am coming into week 6 and its been 1 of the Best business decisions I ever made. I am so happy and grateful I still get to do what I love from home, I can still motivate and inspire people and keep my passion for my job alive.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this new journey….for all those who share my posts, tell their friends, have joined my Free group and also to my amazing VIP Members who have joined my Online Fitness Studio – your support is priceless
I am beyond grateful for everyone who has trusted me to be their Lockdown Motivator.
What I do is more than just a job to me…its my life, my passion and when I lost it all….I was so devastated and then I flipped it and made it work – it was a risk but it was a risk worth taking
I am going to continue in lockdown and beyond for this Online side of my business, being able to reach out and help so many more people has been wonderful for me.
I will admit its kept me sane too…yeh Ive had my wobbles (like everyone) and some days I feel down and other days I feel up….but we have to ride it out and feel the emotions as they come. For me this has helped massively mentally…giving me a purpose and focus
I guess what I am saying is THANK YOU to everyone single person who is supporting me on this mission… are all amazing and I am so grateful for you all
Oh and Im not ashamed to admit Im proud of myself and my business and what I’ve managed to achieve during lockdown
Jen x