Posted on March 22nd
You may (or may not) have noticed Ive been quiet on Social Media lately….most of you probably haven’t even realised but Ive had quite a few messages off people wondering where I am
Im still here…..but Im going to be brutally honest, Im going through some shit at the minute….Im feeling overwhelmed and a little lost and I can’t just post for the sake of posting….I like things to have meaning and then last week I got injured and really sick all in 1 week and I have taken this as a sign from the universe that something needs to change and I need to slow down
Im just not sure where Im meant to be anymore or if this is even all for me is about as clear as I can be
I love what I do
I love my businesses
But something doesn’t feel right
Im in a darkish place, feeling overwhelmed, a little stressed and have a lot of doubt and worry flying around my head
So if Im not posting, its not because I dont care,…its quite the opposite..I CARE TOO MUCH, so that’s why I cant just post random stuff that has no depth/meaning
Why am I saying this??
Because this is REAL LIFE….this is owning a business, this is being a girl boss and this is being someone who puts 110% into everything but often feels I am stuck
This is the side no1 see’s – the side that no1 else shares on Social media…because hey god forbid we actually admit we are struggling?? Oh no lets just carry on saying “I’m Fine” – well Im sorry but Im done with that Bullshit
Everything is running as normal up to now…but I may need to take some time out
Love and Light and Healthy Vibes always
If anyone else is feeling this way – know its OK…we are human, we can smile and still be having a shitty time…I am here for anyone – anytime….but I also need to remember to be there for myself too
Jen x