Love Yourself

Do you Love YOU? I mean deep down really LOVE YOU….and not in a conceted way or a selfie pout kinda way….I mean Self Love.

This is something I have recently started getting into and reading lots of books by Hay House, Mel Wells and looking into lots of research and also through my recent love of meditation from “calm”

Now when I say self love….it may sound weird and some people actually think it’s wrong to love yourself and that’s fine, I mean we are al different after all. But how can you love anyone else or expect anyone to love you when you one love yourself.

YOU are an amazing human being, with so much potential and so much to give….you have gotten where u r now with all of life’s ups and downs and yet here you are living and smiling.

If you were to speak to your best friend the way you sometimes speak to yourself… do you think they would feel? Speak to yourself the way you do your best friend whom you love, be your own best friend and show yourself some LOVE.

LOVE YOUR BODY – yes you can – regardless of lumps, bumps, curves – who cares? It’s YOUR body – you live in it and no1 else does…so learn to love it and suck it up buttercup, you have an amazing shell of a body to live in…start showing it some love,instead of finding the flaws and criticising yourself….really look at yourself and smile and see beyond it all. Love your body enough to NOT restrict food and Love your body enough to NOT see exercise as a chore.

LOVE YOU – think of all the people who love you – they do for a reason right? because you are worth it (flick ur hair in the style of L’Oreal if you must) but they love you because they see something special in YOU… start looking deeper and seeing that same something special.

LOVE YOUR FOOD – probably one of the biggest relationships we all have is with food…am I right? Love/Hate and all that jazz. We’ve all been “on a diet” haven’t we, we’ve all restricted ourselves and stopped ourselves from eating something we love because of the calories (blahh blahh) – and yes of course it’s good to eat healthy and make the right choices…BUT it is also OK to have a little bit of what YOU LOVE every so often…and when you do DONT beat yourself up about it….so what?? Create a great relationship with food and you will never have to diet again.

TELL YOURSELF “I LOVE YOU” EVERYDAY – I started a book called “mirror work” and it’s 21 days program and it gives you tasks to do – which means talking to yourself into the Miri with positive affirmations, now I don’t mean full on convos and looking like a nutter…but it’s allowing yourself to look yourself in the eye everymorning (or whenever u pass a mirror) and saying out loud/in your head – that I LOVE YOU or some other positive affirmation, rather than a negative comment about yourself…yes at first it seems weird and a little scary but trust me after a few days it becomes norm and also…you start believing and after all that’s all that matters.


Show yourself some LOVE and reach deep inside your heart and soul and start to realise how amazing you are and how much you deserve to be LOVED.

Now go and tell yourself that I LOVE YOU!!!!

Jen x

Sports Drinks…stay away

The Truth about Sports Products…..FINALLY!!
Here’s my take…

Ok so there was a program on the other week about Sports Products and if they really do everything they claim…in other words “does it do what it says on the tin”??

I was under no misconception that the sports fuelled drinks are laden with sugar….but even still the program shocked me.

South Africa 1930 was when the first ever “sports drink” was made and since then the drinks have been mainly tested on “Athletes” and not the general public, whom are more likely to buy and it is who the advertisers are aiming at. Last year (2011) £1/4 billion was spent on sports products like this.

Whats actually quite scary is that Powerade (alongside McDonalds) are the Official Sponsers for the London 2012 Olympics and there re numerous adverts out there with professional sports people promoting these drinks…they say a lot about “Hydration” and then this of course convinces people “oh yeah I must have this drink…if the athletes say” < but thats the problem…..we are NOT top elite athletes (yeah we are all athletes in our own right….but not to their level) …..what also concerns me is that in these adverts it will have an effect on “kids too” (even though these companies have claimed they are not aiming it at under 16s) as they will see their “heros” and famous sports people drinking these drinks and they will think “OMG I need to drink that and then I can be like that” < clever advertising from these companies…BUT why dont we get more clever and play them at their own game?

Powerade has Electorlytes (salt to us) that has NO effect on the body…and also Carbs (in sugar form to us – but they dont always show this on their labels..wonder why) that creates an effect but takes hours to show…and only really shows very little effect…not really worth it!!….oh by the way did you know Powerade is also made by Coca Cola…hmmm says a lot doesnt it.

Lucozade Sport next – there is NO evidence to say that these “carb” drinks actually help…..OK OK for Endurance Sports ppl…yeah maybe but for the mass general public…you would be better to avoid and you will be thinner and fitter…dont waste ya ££.
In a 500ml bottle of Lucozade (32g carbs) there is 8 teaspoons of sugar!!! Thats 1/3 of the daily amount for kids…..NOT good for energy requirements!! You see people swigging this after a little bit of exercise…it really is not going to help.

Be honest would you put 8 teapsoons of sugar in any drink?? NOOO of course you wouldnt…so why drink one that contains that many??? WHY?? Well more than likely because they DONT state this and YOU dont know….well now you do 😉 x

The Sports Drinks are clever in the fact they say “Sugar Free” and that they are good for you < could it be anymore misleading…they are all artificially sweetened “zero” sugar!!

I mentioned about Powerade using “hydration” before…..why are humans the only ones who seem to need to be TOLD to drink??…..De-Hydration is NOT a disease…it is a biological response to exercise.

You should LISTEN to YOUR Body and Drink for YOUR Thirst….we are all individuals

In 2010 during the London Marathon a 22yr old Fitness Instructor died from drinking TOO much water whilst completing the Marathon…..and it is said that 1 in 3 people PLAN to drink to much…for fear of dehydration.
Since the Marathon Started:
16 people in the world have died and 1600 have been critically ill from TOO MUCH fluids during Marathons……

Now I am NOT saying…dont drink….well avoid any “Sports”Drinks….but what I AM saying is…DRINK FOR YOU….and YOUR THIRST! We are all different and we all require different amounts of fluids…throughout the day….of course we need to be safe and keep hydrated….but to what suits YOU and not everyone else.
Remember there is NO evidence (in general public) to show these sports drinks actually work… wouldnt buy a car if you werent sure if it was going to start would you???

WATER WATER WATER < it really is all you need!!!

Dont be fooled by the “claims” that these sports drinks seem to make…..unless you are planning on competing in the next Olympics in 2016….then I wouldnt waste your money!!!

Epsom Salts

Epsom Salts/Magnesium Flakes

So I quite often bore everyone with my bath routine – I use Epsom Salts for pretty much every bath I have and especially after a big training session or when my muscles are just aching.

So why? and what is it?

Epsom Slats are made up of a mineral compound of Magnesium and Sulfate and through the salts are easily and readily absorbed into the skin. Magnesium is a crucial mineral to all of our body’s functions.

What are the benefits?
Relaxes body
Replenishes levels of magnesium in the body
Improves Sleep
Relieves muscle pain
Reduces Inflammmation
Softens Skin
Eliminate Toxins – helping to detox the body
Good for Sports people
Reduces Stress
Helps to ease migraines
Increases Energy
Good for tired/sore feet
Improves Blood Flow
Helps promote healthy joints and skin
Good for muscle aches

Lying in an Epsom salt bath, or simply soaking your feet, for 20mins is going to massively improve your wellbeing, and if you train and exercise a lot then this is a MUST!!!

Epsom Salts can be bought from Amazon, Home & Bargains and most online retailers.

I absolutely LOVE using it and swear by it, helps me after a busy week of classes, when I change my training or just on those days when your body is aching!!

Invest in yourself and your body….after all its the only place you have to live

(the ones in the picture is a 5kg pack from Amazon and was only £10.99)

Enjoy the Soak

Jen x

Stress!!! 4th November is National Stress Awareness Day

In some way our lives are all full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands….whether it be from work or home life. For a lot of people Stress starts to become a way of life. Its not always a bad thing-in small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re constantly running in “stress” mode, your health and wellbeing will start to pay the price.

The Body’s Stress Response
When you perceive a threat, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones rouse the body for emergency action.
Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper. These physical changes increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time, and enhance your focus – preparing you to either fight or flee from the danger at hand…..but when you are in constant stages of “chronic stress” your health becomes at risk and this often leads to weight gain.
Stress and elevated Cortisol tend to cause “fat” deposition in the mid section of the body…often referred to as “toxic” fat, as fat around the abdominal area can often be associated with cardiovascular disease.
Many people often admit that when they are “stressed: they find it hard to maintain any health eating habits….whether it be emotional eating or grabbing some sweets/cakes/chocolate/alcohol because you feel there is “no time”
Stress out lifestyle = an unhealthy lifestyle

Chronic Stress can contribute to weight gain in the following ways:
Having too much of the Hormone “Cortisol” floating around in your body can cause your Metabolism to slow down.
When you are stressed….often it can lead to you reaching for the big bar of chocolate or ice cream…oh yes I am talking about “cravings”….When you are in a state on Chronic Stress your body craves fatty, sugary foods …..the types of foods that are going to cause weight gain…this in turn can play havoc with your Blood Sugar..causing fatigue, mood swings and even worse diabetes. This can also bring on “Emotional Eating” < then your body will always associate “stress” with certain foods….in no way helping the weight
Increased Stress = Increased fat around the belly area.
Lack of exercise….you may feel so stressed and so overwhelmed that the last thing you want to do is exercise.
You can increase your resistance to stress by strengthening your overall health.
Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for exercise, at least three times per week. Nothing beats exercise for releasing pent-up stress and tension….plus it becomes “you” time!
Eat a healthy diet. Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress, so be mindful of what you eat. Start your day right with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day. Avoid “Processed” foods and sugar like the devil and get variety in your diet.
Avoid caffeine and sugar. The temporary “highs” caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By removing the coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll sleep better.
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Don’t avoid or mask the issue at hand; deal with problems head on and with a clear mind.
Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep fuels your mind, as well as your body. Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

Cortisol is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in the following functions and more:
Proper glucose metabolism
Regulation of blood pressure
Insulin release for blood sugar maintanence
Immune function
Inflammatory response

Cortisol has been named “the stress hormone” because it’s also secreted in higher levels during the body’s ‘fight or flight’response to stress, and is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body. Small increases of cortisol have some positive effects:
A quick burst of energy for survival reasons
Heightened memory functions
A burst of increased immunity
Lower sensitivity to pain
Helps maintain homeostasis in the body
Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream have been shown to have negative effects, such as:
Impaired cognitive performance
Suppressed thyroid function
Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
Decreased bone density
Decrease in muscle tissue
Higher blood pressure
Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
Increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body. Some of the health problems associated with increased stomach fat are heart attacks, strokes, the development of metabolic syndrome, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can lead to other health problems!
Cortisol should be at its highest of a morning and lowest of an evening time….but when in states of stress…it can remain high all the time and this can also effect SLEEP!!!

Sunshine….Fresh Air…Vitamin D

Sunshine, Fresh Air and Vitamin D

With the lovely weather we are currently experiencing, it felt kind of apt to write this Article…so I hope it inspires you to get out into the Fresh Air 🙂

Now I must firstly say if you are considering going out into the “Sun” please make sure you keep hydrated and that you are fully protected at all times….whether you are just walking in it or exercising….we dont want no lobsters strutting around

So with all this talk of Sun, Fresh Air….may I present “Vitamin D” maybe not a Vitamin you are very familiar with, and this is because for so long Vitamin D has only really been used to prevent rickets……BUT NO Offence Vitamin C but Vit D may now be the bee’s knee;s as you body relies on it….so move over C and make way for D!!

Vit D also always used to be the “robin” the Calciums “batman” but this is all a change – Vit D actually encourages the absorbtion & metabolism of Calcium and Phosphate levels in Blood!

Vitamin D is a major player in overall Health and may be just what the doctor ordered. Vitamin D is the “Sunshine Vitamin”……but as we all are in thw UK…we dont really see a lot of sunshine throughout the year (which actually explains why so many people suffer from SAD in the Winter) To Avoid getting SAD in the Winter make sure that when the sun is shining that you try and get out there and top up your Vit D stores….you never know when you may need them.

Anyways…here I am waffling on about how amazing Vit D is…..well incase you think its all BS…take a look at the list below:
Boosts you Immune System
Can be obtained from Sun, Food and Supplements (foods: Cod Liver Oil, Eggs, Fruit and Veg)
Helps maintain a Healthy Weight
Regulates Blood Pressure
Helps lower MS and Diabetes levels
Helps prevent the onset of Osteoperosis and Arthritis
Helps reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression (how happy do people seem when the sun is shining??)
Anti Inflammatory agent
Regulates Blood Sugar Levels (which will in turn help with Diabetes and Weight)
Increases overall Health and Wellbeing in people

Lots of us are deficient in Vit D – without even realising it, maybe from the foods we DONT eat or just for the simple fact we dont get enough sun/daylight as we should…lets be honest if you are stuck in an office all day with artificial lighting and air con…its not really the ideal way to get VIt D stored topped up. Now I am not saying give up your job and go and work outside…but what I will say is GET OUT whether its on your break, lunch or even getting off the bus a stop earlier….ENJOY this sun and increased hours of daylight whilst you can….because we will all soon complain when its gettin darker and colder. Even if you just get out for 10-15 mins…surely thats better than nothing?


When its cold and dark in Winter the last thing we all want to do is go outside, so we stay all snuggled up in the warm….but gone are the days of that….I know we are having a lucky spell at the moment with the weather, but surely this should make you want to make the most of it all?? As I said before, whether it means just walking somewhere, standing outside on your lunch or even exercising outside…the benefits to Fresh Air are endless:
Increase Overall Health (as above)
Lowers Stress and Depression
Lowers Blood Pressure
Helps you Sleep zzzzzzzz
The “Happy” Chemical “Seretonin” is higher in the brain during this time of year…when the days are longer… lots of happy smiling people……surely this is a good thing
By exercising outside – this will provide the body with more Oxygen, that will assist with metabolism and helps muscles convert the sugar to energy and makes the body more efficient _ BONUS!!!!

So what are you waiting for?? Log off Facebook and GET OUTSIDE…because if this isnt going to last for long….you better make the most of it!!!

Get some VIt D onto your skin, absorb into your body and top up the stores

Breath in the Fresh Air and full your lungs

You’ll be amazed at how FAB you will feel just by doing this….Oh and did I say its FREE!!
The sun has got his hat on….hip, hip, hip HORAAAYYYY!!!


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