Love you HEART!!

Heart Health

So February is often seen as the LOVE month…..where everyone suddenly decides they need a date….but actually there is more important matters of the Heart – YES PUN totally intended

February is Heart Month for another reason – so I am here to talk about HEART HEALTH

You can go on to the British Heart Foundations Website and get publications, leaflets and much more….but I wanted to write this little article about Heart Health

How a healthy heart works

Your heart is a muscle about the size of a fist. It is in the middle of your chest tilted slightly to the left.

Each day, your heart beats about 100,000 times. It pumps about 23,000 litres (5,000 gallons) of blood around your body.

This blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body, and carries away unwanted carbon dioxide and waste products. Your heart is a vital part of your cardiovascular system.

How can you help keep your Heart Healthy?

Helps keep the heart strong
Reduces risk of heart disease
Reduces Cholesterol
Reduces Blood Pressure
Increases Energy
Reduces Stress
It doesn’t have to be a big challenge you set yourself…small steps of you are starting out:
Small Changes
As little as 10mins a day counts
Be realistic with your goals
Make it part of your day (take the stairs, walk on lunch)
Variety – mix it up
Reward progress with a massage
Join a group and get support

2. Healthy Eating
Regular Meals
Veggies in your diet
Reduce Salt Intake
Eliminate “Bad” Fats
Eat Fish
Stay Hydrated
Eat “Good” Fats
Don’t go crazy, and don’t avoid food….just change your lifestyle and eat healthy:
Keep a food diary
Plan and Prepare Meals
Resist Temptation

3. Eliminate/Reduce Stress
Stress isn’t a direct factor but it is a contributor. The more you stress, the more stress you put on your heart and it’ll also have an effect on your diet and exercise….so really it all needs to work hand in hand
Make positive Lifestyle Changes
Positive, Healthy changes to Diet
Seek support if needed
Take time out

All the above points work hand in hand and they all support each other.
Start small and prioritise and work through a way to lead the happiest and healthiest lifestyle you can

You Deserve it

Your HEART Deserves it

Give it the love it needs….not just for February….for LIFE!!!

Jen x

Good Fats ‘v’ Bad Fats

Good Fats ‘v’ Bad Fats

So – fats always seem to be outed as the “bad guys” and the devils in the waistline wars…but you may be surprised to hear this is not necessarily the case.

There are actually “good” and “bad’ fats out there…now Im not going to bore you (or myself) with all the science jargon…Im just going to keep it simple and tell it how it is and hopefully shed some light on the Fat debate

Now lets just clear this up the Saturated fat found in coconut oil (as I know this is all on trend at the minute) is different to that found in a pizza!!

All Fats contain 9 calories per gram, but they all have very different effects on your health and your weight. Trans/Bad Fats are the unhealthy ones,

Lets start with the Bad Guys….The “Bad” Fats

Bad Fats increase cholesterol and increase your risk of certain diseases.
Bad Fats or “trans fats” or “saturated fats” (but not all….) are the type that cause:- weight gain, clogged arteries, heart disease and much more.

Bad Fats are found in:
Processed foods
Commercial baked goods (cakes, pizzas, biscuits, bread)
Packaged/Processed Food
Solid Fats (margarine)
Friend Foods
Pre-mixed Foods (cake mix etc)
And anything with “partially hydrogenated” oil on the ingredients list

So basically any food you love to binge on….think again! It contains all these Bad fats, but lets be honest we all know this anyway don’t we??

Now the Goodies…..The “Good” Fats

Fats are essential to our physical and emotional health – well the Good Fats are. Heathy Fats play a huge role in helping you manage your moods, fight fatigue and even help control your weight.
Good Fats aka “monounsaturated” and “polyunsaturated” fats can help improve blood cholesterol levels, lower your risk of heart disease and also benefit insulin levels, therefore controlling blood sugar (helpful for anyone with diabetes)

Good Fats are found in:
Natural Peanut Butter
Fatty Fish (Omega 3)
Coconut oil (YES I KNOW)

Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat and they are superheats for the brain and emotional health. Omega 3 Fats help:
Protect the body against memory loss and dementia
Reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer
Eases arthritis, joint pain and inflammatory skin conditions
Supports a healthy pregnancy
Helps balance mood and sharpen mind
These amazing fatty Acids can be found in Fish, Seaweed, Fish Oil, Walnuts, Flaxseeds, Sprouts, Kale, Spinach and Parsley, Olive Oil

Low Fat?? Whats all that about – its a chemical sh*tstorm thats what it is….

Nowadays there are so many “low fat” options, but these have only helped increase the obesity rate…not as healthy as they sound. The problem is people are swapping the “fats” and opting for “low fat” – which are just basically full of refined carbs and sugars…which have negative effects on the body, meaning we’ve swapped 1 bad thing for another… does that make sense? I mean come on…how did you think the food would have taste when the “fat” was removed?? SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!!! THE REAL DEVIL

Red Meat?? To eat or not to eat?
With the environmental damage and treatment of industrially raised cattle, the fact they are pumped with growth hormones and antibiotics and denied much outdoors time….what else could put you off? Oh and they are given GMO Feed grown with pesticides… If you must eat red meat – limit the amount and also go for organic/grass fed/free range as these don’t pose the same health risks.

So what can you do?
Increase your intake of the Good Fats
Use Coconut Oil
Have Omega 3 Fatty Acids everyday
Avoid processed Sat fats
Don’t replace fat with sugary foods
Vary your diet
eat your veggies
Go Organic
Don’t fry your foods
Snack well

Remember FAT isn’t the devil here……maybe look at your sugar intake and before you grab that “low fat” meal….THINK!!

Fat is needed and is can be god for you…choose wisely

Jen x

Friday Top Tip – Stay Hydrated

Friday TOP TIP!!

Stay Hydrated!! it can be easy when the wind is blowing and cold snap is here to think you need Tea and Coffee all day long…NOOOOO!!!

If you have a hot drink opt for Hot water with a slice of lemon or a herbal teabag (Ginger Tea is lovely in this weather and definitely a fav of mine)

Add Lemons, Limes, Mint, Cucumber to cold water and pop i your water bottle…refreshing, detoxing and helps you drink more water

Have a water bottle on your desk at work or on the go….so it always reminds you to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated helps flush toxins, lubricate and hydrate the muscles and stop any headaches brewing and also keeps off hunger pangs…..even more important when exercising

Jen x

Coco Loco about Coconut Oil

Coco Loco

You may see Coconut normally as being in a Bounty, but it has soooo much to offer the body in its natural state….and now it is becoming so much more popular than it was a few years ago, more people are realising the amazing benefits for your health, skin and hair….it really is an amazing product!!!

Now when I talk about this I mean pure, 100% natural organic Coconut Oil….as you can imagine it costs a lot more than a Bounty or some Coconut Shampoo…but the Health Benefits are out of this world…and definitely worth the investment 

Lets get the sciencey bit out the way.

Coconuts contain Lauric, Capric and Caprylic Acids…the properties of these acids are:

* Antioxidant

* Anti-microbrial

* Anti Fungal

* Anti bacterial

* Soothing

Lauric Acid gets turned into Monoalauien, which helps the body deal with Virus’s & Bacteria that attack the body….and here’s where the sciencey bit ends, because lets be honest we want the nitty gritty stuff!!!

Coconut oil is easy on your digestive system and does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream, so for a quick energy boost, you could simply eat a spoonful of coconut oil, or add it to your food

It is mainly found in Saturated Fats (ARGGHHH The Bad Fats)….but stay with me…its not all ba. If you are still concerned about saturated fat, consider taking a second look. Even if you still avoid/limit saturated fats, it is important to note that not all saturated fats behave the same way in the body. Coconut oil, due to its high lauric acid content, is actually beneficial to the body.

Health Benefits:

* Hair & Skin Care

* Stress Relief

* Maintain Cholesterol Levels

* Aid Weight Loss

* Increase Immunity, Digestion & Metabolism

* Reduce Kidney problems, Heart Disease and Blood Pressure.

* Can help boost metabolism

* Can increase bone strength by allowing better absorption of calcium, vitamin D, and other minerals

* Studies show that coconut oil may help increase thyroid health because of its unique combination of nourishing properties and the fact that it travels directly to the liver without the need for hormones or enzymes in digestion

* High lauric acid content can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It doesn’t increase LDL and helps keep arteries flexible and prevent atherosclerosis

* Can help fight infection and flu due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties

* Helps relieve the Body of Stress due to its Soothing benefits

* Helps control Blood Sugar and increases the Secretion of Insulin

* Reduces the workload on the Liver and prevents the accumulation of Fat
And the list can go on….but I wont bore you

Benefits to Weight Loss:

Contains short & medium chain Fatty Acids that help strip excessive Fat. Easy to digest and helps Healthy Functioning of the Thyroid and Enzymes. It helps speed up Metabolism by removing Stress on the Pancreas, resulting in burning more energy!! The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil have been shown to increase 24 hour energy expenditure by as much as 5%, potentially leading to significant weight loss over the long term. BINGO!!!

Benefits to Hair:

Coconut oil can effectively get rid of dandruff when rubbed into the scalp a couple times a week. It does make hair oily, of course, but I recommend massaging into the scalp before bed and leaving in overnight before rinsing out in the morning. It also helps strengthen hair and add shine

Benefits to Skin:

It is an effective moisturiser that prevents dryness. Can be helpful to some Skin Conditions (seek advice from GP)
Coconut oil is without question a favourite body lotion. It absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave an oily feeling at all. It makes skin incredibly silky and has wonderful antibacterial/antimicrobial properties

Benefits to Medical Conditions:

The Lauric Acids prevents Heart Problems occurring, despite the high levels of Saturated Fat. It decrease the incidence of injury in the Arteries. Studies in both humans and rats show that coconut oil improves important risk factors like Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, which may translate to a reduced risk of heart disease.
Studies have also shown that the fatty acids in coconut oil can increase blood levels of ketone bodies, supplying energy for the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients and relieving symptoms.

Benefits to Digestion:

Helps prevent IBS, deals with Bacterias and helps the Absorption of Nutrients (Vitamins & Minerals)
Studies show that coconut oil may help increase thyroid health because of its unique combination of nourishing properties and the fact that it travels directly to the liver without the need for hormones or enzymes in digestion

OK the bit you’ve been waiting for….

As I mentioned above it is mainly found in Saturated Fats…so I bet that put you off, but I am glad you stayed around to hear the good bit….
Coconut Oil contains Less Calories that other Oils out there now BUT The Fat content is easily converted into Energy and does NOT lead to the accumulation of fat in the Heart and Arteries…..helping BOOST Energy, Endurance and Performance and PROMOTE FAT LOSS!!

It can be bought nearly everywhere now…online, groupon, costco and most supermarkets and ALL health food shops….YES it is more expensive than a normal oil , but can you really put a price on your health???

Ensure it is 100% Coconut Oil and NO added Stabilisers or E Numbers…be very careful!!!

How can it be used:

* In Stir Fries

* Smoothies

* When cooking most foods….as a replacement for the usual oils you use.

* Cooking and Baking

* On your Skin

* Added to hot drinks

* Hair product

* Added to Epsom Salts in the bath

* Massage Oil

If you are worrying about a very strong taste…it isn’t, Im not really a fan of coconut on mass but it is absolutely GORGEOUS in cooking and especially Stir Fries and Smoothies

get investing in some….if you are serious about your health! I know £10-15 can sound expensive but you spend tons of money on crappy food and alcohol every week….this is an investment in your health

The choice is yours

Jen x

Warming Soup Recipe

The past week the temperatures have really dropped so why not make up a winter warming soup….you can take along to work and share with all the family and its Healthy and Tasty

Broccoli & Apple Soup

Serves 4. You need:
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cups fresh broccoli stalks, peeled and diced
2 tablespoons fresh thyme, finely chopped
1 cup onion, thinly sliced
1 cup red cooking apple, peeled and diced
½ cup celery, diced
4 cups all-natural chicken stock
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
¼ cup plain, active culture yoghurt
2 tablespoons minced parsley
1. Heat oil in a large pot with the lid on. Add broccoli, thyme, onion, apple and celery.
Cover and cook over low heat 10 minutes
2. Add chicken stock and pepper and cook 30 minutes more
3. Remove from heat and cool slightly
4. Puree the soup one portion at a time in blender or food processor
5. Serve hot or chilled and garnished with a dollop of yogurt and sprinkling of minced

Epsom Salts

Epsom Salts/Magnesium Flakes

So I quite often bore everyone with my bath routine – I use Epsom Salts for pretty much every bath I have and especially after a big training session or when my muscles are just aching.

So why? and what is it?

Epsom Slats are made up of a mineral compound of Magnesium and Sulfate and through the salts are easily and readily absorbed into the skin. Magnesium is a crucial mineral to all of our body’s functions.

What are the benefits?
Relaxes body
Replenishes levels of magnesium in the body
Improves Sleep
Relieves muscle pain
Reduces Inflammmation
Softens Skin
Eliminate Toxins – helping to detox the body
Good for Sports people
Reduces Stress
Helps to ease migraines
Increases Energy
Good for tired/sore feet
Improves Blood Flow
Helps promote healthy joints and skin
Good for muscle aches

Lying in an Epsom salt bath, or simply soaking your feet, for 20mins is going to massively improve your wellbeing, and if you train and exercise a lot then this is a MUST!!!

Epsom Salts can be bought from Amazon, Home & Bargains and most online retailers.

I absolutely LOVE using it and swear by it, helps me after a busy week of classes, when I change my training or just on those days when your body is aching!!

Invest in yourself and your body….after all its the only place you have to live

(the ones in the picture is a 5kg pack from Amazon and was only £10.99)

Enjoy the Soak

Jen x

New Year – my Top Tips to achieving your goals!!

My Top Tips for helping you achieve those resolutions/goals/plans for 2016

* PLAN – A goal without a plan is just a dream
* DONT forget “WHY” you are doing it
* Plan for Set Backs
* Write Goals down
* Take Ownership of you Goals/Plans
* Be accountable to someone
* BELIEVE in yourself
* Rid yourself of “Energy Vampires”
* Frame of mind
* Set “mini” Goals
* Set “realistic” Goals
* STOP making excuses
* Be passionate
* Keep a diary
* Asses your environment


Stay Fit and Healthy this Autumn

5 Tips to Stay Healthy in Autumn
One thing we can always be guaranteed of in life is change. Nature reminds us of this in the ever-changing rhythm of the seasons.
Here in the UK, our weather has certainly changed. The temperatures have become cooler and the days are shorter. The morning air is brisk, and it’s time to start thinking about winter coats and woolly hats.
Those long, summer days of bright berries, crisp salads and succulent fresh fruit are almost behind us. While you might be disappointed to see the last of the summer salads, there are a plethora of yummy foods for you to choose from in Autumn

1. Always buy food in season.
With the arrival of the new season, now is the time to change your diet! Embrace the yummy foods that Autumn offers. Enjoy fresh pumpkins, parsnips, yams, winter squash, sweet potatoes, turnips, apples, pears, figs, elderberries and even cranberries!
Some of my favourite fresh seasonal dishes are creamy pumpkin soup, roasted root vegetables, cranberry chutney, baked sweet potatoes, caramelized pears and crisp apple pies.

2. Eat your autumn colours!
Autumn is the season of warm, earthy colours; think deep greens, dark yellows and brilliant oranges.
When you eat foods that are rich in these colours, you are absorbing the vibrational energy of the earth. Fall foods are vibrant, colourful and nourishing. One rule of thumb is that the more colourful the fruit, the better it is for your health and your immune system.

3. Boost your immune system.
With the changing season, now is the perfect time to boost your immune system.
Whenever I feel the need for a boost to my immune system, I first look to Mother Nature. Some of my favourite natural immune-boosters are: to drink plenty of fresh water, eat plenty of alive (living) raw foods, garlic, lysine, probiotics, Vitamins B, C and D, zinc, propolis and Manuka honey.
Another powerful way to boost your immune system and keep strong is to use the power of gentle exercise.

4. Embrace gentle movements.
In summertime, it’s so lovely to spend time outside. For many, this sunny weather allows them to move their body naturally, using gentle movements such as walking on the beach.
But, don’t let cooler temperatures stop you from moving your body! Far too many people stop exercising and spend more time doing sedentary activities indoors.
One way you can keep moving during the cooler season is to bring your activity inside: bounce on a rebounder, do yoga at home, get a yoga swing, swim, go to the gym or find a dancing class!
This Autumn, get yourself organized so that you are well prepared for the coming winter months.
Find an enjoyable way to gently move your body, so that this year you keep yourself fit and healthy.

5. Live aligned with the season.
As the season shifts, give yourself permission to make different choices and changes in your lifestyle.
The shorter days and longer nights are the perfect excuse to take the time to really look after yourself. Use this Autumn as an ideal time to hibernate, giving yourself time for you.
Spend time relaxing at home, wrapped up with a hot water bottle, wearing your favourite pajamas and enjoying early nights. Watch movies, drink chai tea, or start writing that book you’ve always dreamt about writing.

Autumn is a nice time to slow down and enjoy some internal reflection. Allow this season to be a chance to nurture yourself by eating fresh seasonal foods and living in alignment with nature. I hope that these tips help you to stay strong and healthy!

Tips for Autumn Fitness
Autumn is a transitional time of year. The leaves on the trees change, it becomes darker earlier, and the temperatures cool down. It is a favourite time of year for many people. However, these same changes can also lead to stress for individuals who tend to fall off the health and fitness wagon during the transition.

Take Advantage of Autumn Activities
Autumn group events like pumpkin picking, haunted trails, and building leaf piles are active options that can also be fun bonding experiences for family and friends. Organize a weekend trip or local get-together with an autumn theme and plan to be active.

Get Involved in Community Events
With the Autumn season come many holiday-themed local fun runs and events. Look in the newspaper for Events near you. According to a 1991 summary report by ERIC Digest, training for a specific goal such as a race increases adherence to an exercise program. Signing up with friends or family will hold you accountable for completing the training.

Head to the Trails
Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of year for getting outside. Grab a friend and find some local parks or trails to walk, run or bike and take in the view of changing leaves. Delamere is lovely this time of year…just pack your wellies

Dress for the Weather
When weather gets cooler, it can deter people from going outside to work out. This problem can be mediated by wearing wind-shielding clothing and dressing in layers. Proper attire and accessories (hats, gloves, etc.) that cut down on bulk but still allow for warmth make outdoor fitness more enjoyable as the chill of Autumn and Winter approaches

Drink Water
Stay hydrated even when the temperatures cool down. People often feel less thirsty when it is not hot outside, but staying hydrated is just as important in the Autumn as it is when the sun is blazing. When Autumn rolls around, remember to stay on top of your fluid intake to help with both exercise recovery and appetite control.

Drink Tea
Drink more tea to warm up for the cooler temperatures. Green tea and black tea contain antioxidants that help ward off diseases during flu season so you can remain healthy and active as the season shifts.

Avoid Holiday Sweets
According to the National Institutes of Health, on average, non-obese adults gain about a pound a year around the holidays. In addition to creating unhealthy habits, accumulation of this weight over time can lead to obesity. Be sure to pack lots of healthy snacks to munch on throughout the day to help deter you from grazing on sweets that pop up in the office, at home or at parties.

Exercise Early in the Day
Try to work out in the morning or during the day. With the time changing and the sun setting earlier, it can feel as though it’s later in the day than it really is. This can make people more tired than usual. Getting into a routine of working out early will guarantee the workout gets done and still allow time in the afternoons and evenings to relax.

Vary Activities
As the weather cools down and summer ends, it can become difficult to stay motivated. Trying a variety of different activities and varying workouts will help keep a fresh spin on exercise and allow for confidence to build within a wide range of activities.

Preparation is KEY!!!

OK so you may have seen recently I have been posting picture about my prepared food…annoying as it may be there is a reason I am doing this…it’s to hopefully inspire you all to prepare your meals ahead of time…to ensure you stay on track with your goals.

I see so many people saying “I haven’t got time to make my meals” but the same people will probably sit for over an hour watching TV….I don’t mean to sound harsh but it’s all about priorities.

I know it’s an old cliche saying but “failing to prepare is preparing to fail” – therefore if u don’t plan ur meals/workouts etc., are more likely to miss them or end up eating some crappy processed stuff from the shop…. YES and I am even talking about this “healthy living” butties and micro meals you see….healthy? Really?

If you jump out of bed late or just cant be bothered making your meals for work…you will end up eating rubbish from the shop, going to a fast food type food place or picking on biccies in the office (as let’s be honest it’s always someone’s birthday and always sweet and stuff floating about) and if you have no food prepared you are more likely to be tempted to pick on these things to keep you going and keep your energy levels up.

Preparing food doesn’t have to be a boring, time consuming task! Quite often I make a big evening meal and use half of it for my lunch the next day or make a big batch of something in bulk and freeze in pots….easy to take out and cook. It doesn’t have to be stressful and thinking “OMG I can’t do this, I haven’t got time” … can throw food in the oven whilst u watch TV,bath kids, get yourself ready for next day (of course make sure u put a timer on it so u don’t burn ur food) – if you buy the right food, right ingredients and stuff to prepare meals then it is so much easier….having bad food or no food to prepare in the house is obviously going to make it so much harder.

Sometimes I am tired after long days, esp lately…but I always make time to prepare my meals the night before (or morning if I have time) – it doesn’t take long and I know in the long run it will be so much better for me.

What’s stopping you being prepared? Is it sheer laziness? Lack of motivation?

You have to ask yourself how much you want to be healthy/lose weight/stay on track….and your desire to succeed needs to be higher than ur excuses…..EXCUSE OR RESULT?

I know it sounds harsh and like I am having a go…but it’s the truth and you know it 😉 – it’s so easy to get home from work, throw ur tea in and then slob on the couch for the rest of the evening…an that’s ok,but try and think ahead….plan at the beginning of the week any meals you think you need to prepare/buy for and set yourself some time aside to do this…..yeh ok it’s not the most exciting thing in the world, but the benefits far outweigh the downside of it.

You don’t have to prepare big elaborate meals…but make sure they are nutritious, full of protein and green veggies and a variety…for example I will quite often make:
chicken, sweet pot and spinach
Tuna, rice and salad
Any meats, quinoa and spinach/kale
Any fish rice/sweet pot and raw broccoli

In society now we all have busy lifestyles and gone are the days of 9-5 working, people now work shifts, have families and work unsocial able hours….but next time you are sat on the couch for 2hrs- think about preparing some food for the next day/day ahead….especially if your goal is health/weight loss.

If your goal is weight loss/health etc then prep is KEY to achieving ur goals….temptation is everywhere and not being prepared not only leaves you stuck and open to getting some rubbish from the shop but also can stress you out big time… As u start worrying about not being prepared, then you beat yourself up and end up picking on crap to make ur self feel better but in turn it does the exact opposite and before u know it this vicious circle continues. When you are trying to stay on track…you need to be prepared, even if it means making a list of meals you can make and can be prepared in advance and doing this at the beginning of every week….yeh it takes time but surely it’s worth it?

Remember we all have the same 24hrs in the day, it’s just how we utilise and prioritise our time that counts.

Remind ur self how much You want to achieve your goals….

Take time to prepare

I promise you once you start you will see how easy it is

Now go prepare some food I’ve kept u long enough

Jen x

Dont Get Sidetracked

DON’T get Sidetracked by people who are NOT on track.

Its a common thing and whether its jealousy or lack of education or simply just people not thinking….it can be difficult not to get sidetracked.

Your journey is going to be different from anyone else’s…remember that!

Your goals are your goals…and whilst they may be different from someone else’ doesn’t meant they are wrong. If someone doesn’t understand your journey then thats their problem NOT yours…and frankly you don’t need people like that in your life.

Friends and Family….and also work colleagues need to support you on your journey and if they are trying to sabotage it then are they right to be in your life? sounds extreme I know…but I think you know what I mean.

People who truly love you will support you no matter what.

We all have different beliefs and we all follow different fitness/nutrition programs (because we are all individuals) and what works for us may not work for someone else.

If someone is trying to sabotage your journey then ask WHY – maybe they are jealous…but really they should be inspired by you and what you are achieving .

Yes treating yourself every so often is OK….but don’t be tempted by people who say “oh go on just 1 more wont hurt” KNOW YOUR LIMITS and what you can and cant do.

Its YOUR Journey and you need to be strong enough to NOT let anyone sidetrack you.

Stay focussed!

At the end of the day you need to ask yourself how much do YOU want this? Look at how far you’ve come now….don’t go off on the bad path and end up back where you started…..keep on the right path, moving forwards towards a happier and healthier YOU

Jen x

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