IFS 2016
IFS – In my words
So IFS – you would of seen me talking about this, but for those of you who aren’t aware of what it is….Its the “International Fitness Showcase” – this is an annual event for all Fitness Peeps held in the wonderful and beautiful Winter Gardens in Blackpool…..its a 3 day event. Its 8-6 Fri and Sat and 830-330 Sun. A class every hour, something different to chose from…..There are Lectures, Workshops, Masterclasses and everything from Yoga to High Intensity classes….from Lectures on Biomechanics to Pole!!
Its an unreal event and has been running for years and year….I wish it was more than once a year but hey ho…..the count down begins until the next one.
You wouldn’t believe it until you seen it with your eyes…..some sessions having up to 500 people in them…YES I kid you not!!
The thing I like about it most and what draws me to it….is that for those 3 days I am surrounded by likeminded, positive, happy and healthy people – everyone is there for the same reason…to learn, be inspired and have FUN!!! Now Im not saying Im always surrounded by miserable, negative people in “real life” (well sometimes I am)…but what I am saying is the atmospheres unreal….it really gives you a boost and inspires you…even down to 1 block of choreography can inspire so many ideas!!
Alongside all of the classes there is a corridor full of stalls….oh and did I indulge, well I mean whilst in Blackpool and all that! Stalls selling Fitness Clothing, Music, Equipment and Courses…its amazing…and of course decent prices.
YES you ache
YES you sweat
and YES you work hard
…..but do you know what its worth every drip of sweat and every aching muscle, because I have come away inspired and pumped and so many ideas buzzing round in my head, so much content taken away….and ready to take OneBody Fitness to the next level!!!
The Presenters (I suppose we can say Famous in Fitness…to a degree) – think going to learn to cook better from Jamie Oliver (for a comparison)….always inspire, their energy is infectious and there is always new fresh ideas to take away!!!…so a BIG THANKS goes out to them.
It was great to catch up with old friends, meet new ones and have so much FUN….
So IFS until next year…Thanks for the inspiration!
Jen x