Reiki in the Winter

Posted on November 28th

Reiki in the Winter Suffer from he Winter Blues? Feeling Tired and Run Down? During the winter it is common for us to feel run down, energy levels are lower and we can have a wave of sadness come over us….plus add that to the cold and darker days….it can sometimes make us feel all out of sorts Did you know Reiki can help with the Winter Blues? As the days get shorten….your mood may start to darken and energy levels can decrease an you can suddenly feel like you are all out of balance and not quite feeling yourself. Lack of sunlight can lead to blockages in our energy….Reiki can help kick start the flow of energy and release any blockages…creating peace and harmony within the body. Reiki channels the universal energy that exists all around us and after a Reiki session it can feel like you have recharged your batteries and created your own sunshine inside Reiki can also help strengthen your body and help boost your immune system – which can help us be less likely to succumb to colds and flus…relieving symptoms of head colds and block sinuses. Perfect for any Winter Blues Message to book your appointment & you will receive a FREE Crystal to take home (offer applies to December only) Jen x

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