My Story….

Posted on January 3rd

My Story

So I wanted to share the story of OneBody Fitness… is into its 9th year now and I wanted to just tell the story of how it all started.

I qualified in Fitness back in 2004 and worked as a PT firstly, I then moved abroad and worked in a  gym in Greece in 2005 which was a great experience. I have worked in various gyms as an instructor and worked my way up to management in 2 jobs. I qualified for teaching Classes in 2006 and then Sports Massage in 2008…..Ive continually added to my qualifications buy attending courses and seminars every year and I spend a lot of my free time researching, reading and writing articles like this.

Before I started out on my own I worked as the Senior Fitness Instructor at Lifestyles Picton….I learnt a LOT during my years there…..from management of myself and others to just general life skills and I will ALWAYS be grateful to Liverpool City Council for all the opportunities that I had there….but I knew in 2010 that I wanted greater things.

At the start of 2010 I had typed up my resignation (I wasn’t happy at all…..and I was stressed and just a mess basically) and it sat in my glove box in my car for months and months and then 1 day I pulled up for my early shift and thought “NO I cant do this anymore” and I dated the letter and walked in and handed it to my manager… was a shock, so as much as Id thought about working for myself, I now had 6 weeks to get my sh*t together and get my business started

So fast forward to Sept 2010 and I had my last day at the job, now I had of course thought about my business…but WOW it was really happening now. During the time when I handed my notice in I worked my ass off….as well as my 37.5hr a week job I was teaching extra classes and early morning bootcamps and working late nights and weekends to set everything up.

Not long after leaving my long term relationship of 7 years ended, I know the job had a BIG part to play in it and I was devastated – heartbroken to be exact…but it was my business that got me through it because I had a focus and a purpose and a distraction!!!!

During the past 7 years its been a mix. A real challenge……long working days/7 days a week….times when I thought I wanted to give up….and years without a holiday, Ive tried lots of different things….things have failed and some had succeeded, Ive met hundreds of amazing people and got to be a part of peoples lives. Ive taught different classes at lots of different venues, trains clients, sports massage. There has been days where I dont know if this is for me anymore and days when I am so utterly grateful for what I have and what I have built…..the latter more often.

Id say the first few years where the hardest….because everything was built from scratch – and everything was done by me, so I had to start from the bottom and implement all my ideas and work stuff. The website/emails and everything else is all me… yes Id say the first few years I worked my ass off…not to say I dont now because I do, but now I have a framework for most things, Ive learnt from my mistakes (and I still am learning) and Ive grown as a person and as a business… 9 years on I still work hard, but I now have a base and I am established and I am a lot more open to what I want….so its definitely been a learning curve

I am so grateful for what I have and I Love my little business and I am not ashamed to say I am proud of myself and proud of what I have achieved and how far OneBody Fitness has come in the past 7 years

I absolutely LOVE my business and I dont see it as work, thats probably why I sometimes spend my Sat Nights in working. There is so much more than what you SEE…the “Behind the Scenes Stuff”…but thats another article.

In 2017 my Business changed a little and I have added a more Holistic approach to how I work. I believe in the body as a whole…..physical, emotional and mental body – they all come together and we need to make sure they are all in-tune with each other.

I no longer do Personal Training, but I am still involved in Fitness…through my classes, Online Programs and my 100s of youtube videos.

Fitness is my passion….and now I can add my other passion of all this Holistics and Happiness into it.

I offer a wide range of Massage and Holistic Therapies alongside all the Fitness

I believe we all deserve to live the happiest and healthiest life we can, and I am here to guide, inspire and support YOU on your journey.

In 2018 I began to express my more Healing and Spiritual Side and I couldn’t be happier…..this has always been my calling but I knew 2018 was the right year to throw this out to the world. I work with Angels, Crystals and Healing to help bring more peace and harmony into peoples lives

I offer Reiki and Crystal Healing…alongside making Reiki Charged Crystal jewellery to bring more magic into peoples lives

I would like to end by saying I am so grateful to each and every person who comes or has ever come to my classes/trained with me etc…..I love each and everyone of you and your energy is infectious and keeps me doing what I LOVE

I wouldn’t change it for the world and I wouldn’t change the past 9 years because all of the experiences have got me to where I am now (good or bad) and even though my path has slightly changed…I am still so passionate about everything that I do

Here’s to many more years….I cant wait to inspire and help more people <3

So thats the story (in a nutshell) of OneBody Fitness and Holistics 

Jen x

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