Posted on September 15th
Men and Classes
This isn’t meant to be a sexist post in anyway and I am grateful for everyone who comes to my classes BUT in 15 years of teaching I have to say the past 12-18mths for me has seen a BIG increase in the amount of men attending classes.
I do think at 1 point classes were seen as “for girls” or even seen as “too easy” and Id say 95% of my classes were just full of women…but I have seen a increase over the past few years of the amount of men coming to classes and for them I suppose its stepping outside their comfort zone – especially when its a room full of women.
Especially the likes of Yoga….the amount of Men attending Yoga and Pilates has grown too and its great more people are seeing the benefits
Classes are for everyone (unless stated otherwise) and just THANK YOU to the men who come along and continue to
I appreciate you just as much as I do my girls
Jen x