Posted on August 19th
Does the thought of it stress you out?
Dont know where to start?
Worried what others will think?
Will they look at me? Judge me?
Too much confusing info out there?
Not got the time?
Stressed about the thought of it?
Feeling unfit?
Exercise doesn’t have to bring all this to the surface
It shouldn’t add to your stress
We can often over complicate it, think it needs to be something more than it is.
Exercise is simply just moving the body in a way that feels good for you
Need help? – Hire a trainer, Invest in yourself
Dont know where to start? – Trainer/Youtube/Message me
Haven’t got the time? – walk more, take the stairs, get up half an hour earlier
Worried what others will think? – FUCK them
Will they judge me? – who cares? Say more about them at the end of the day
The though stressing you out?- Go for a walk……oh look thats exercise
Feeling Unfit? – we all start somewhere, and until we start we cannot begin to get fitter
Money a worry? – Walk it’s FREE, Youtube…lots of FREE content
There will always be an excuse
BUT there will always be a solution
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself
Just move…anyway
Take the stairs
Walk instead of email in the office
Park further away
Get off the bus a stop earlier
Take advantage of the lighter nights and go for a walk after your tea
Get out at weekends
Try that class you’ve always wanted to
Do it for YOU and no1 else
Jen x