Posted on December 6th
Christmas is upon us and whilst it should be a magical time of year, simply the most wonderful time of year to be exact……for some of us it ends up being a little stressful at times….worrying over the perfect present or worrying whether everything will go to plan, we quite often lose the real meaning.
For me Christmas is all about the magic, about family and being able to take some time out of a busy lifestyle and spend time with the ones you love…yes its always nice to give and receive pressies….but thats not the point is it??
Christmas should be a time of magic, fun, smiles and love….but some of us get a little stressed out. Here are my TOP TIPS to staying stress free this Christmas:
* Don’t worry about the ££
* Be grateful for all you have
* Meditate – even is just for 5 mins
* Spend “time” with people – not just “money”
* Experiences over Presents
* Its ok to say NO….if you are feeling overwhelmed just say no
* Take time for yourself
* Stay Hydrated
* Get good sleep
* Smile….and pass it on
Enjoy Christmas the right way Don’t go into debt trying to impress people Give your time freely Show those who you love….how much you love them by being present
Merry Christmas
Jen x