Choosing Crystals..

November 9th        Uncategorized    No Comments

When it comes to choosing Crystals…it can be a bit confusing, so Ive put together a few ways in which you can choose Crystals for you or others

1. You are drawn to one…when you look at crystals or touch them you feel drawn to one and need it in your life…you may not know why at first but it will make sense

2. You know what healing you need in your life….if this is the case ask me and I can advise what crystal you need

3. You know the crystal you want…but arent sure why…again feel free to ask

4. You are gifted one – the person has either gifted it to you for a reason or they were also drawn to it

There are NO rules when it comes to choosing crystals, its such a personal thing

A crystal will always find its way to you when you need it – whether thatd from you chooisng it or someone else

Hope this has helped

Jen x

Are you ruled by your watch??

November 9th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Are you being ruled by your watch??

Now-a-days a lot of us have a smart watch/tracker and whilst they can be really helpful and motivational…they can also cause us stress and they aren’t 100% accurate

The calories burnt during a workout are NOT right…they are about 30-40% out, so dont rely on them too much

Also they are often (as per the picture) a little bit judgey 

How dare a watch tell you that you need to stand up or you havnt moved enough today??

There are going to be days we want to rest and not much as much, hey we may even be ill/injured and what we dont need is a watch telling us that we aren’t doing enough or telling us off for not moving enough

Please dont let your watch rule you

Dont let the watch tell you what you have and havnt done

YES they can be helpful for steps and tracking some stuff BUT dont forget they ARENT~ 100% accurate 

A watch shouldn’t rule your day and if you find that these little notifications from your watch are triggering guilt and making you do more than you actually want to – then its time to take the watch off

YOU are in control of what you do and dont do….NOT your watch

Jen x

Its ok…

October 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

“Today was a Difficult Day,” said Pooh.

There was a pause.

“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Piglet.

“No,” said Pooh after a bit. “No, I don’t think I do.”

“That’s okay,” said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend.

“What are you doing?” asked Pooh.

“Nothing, really,” said Piglet. “Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don’t feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either.

“But goodness,” continued Piglet, “Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you’ve got someone there for you. And I’ll always be here for you, Pooh.”

And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs…he thought that his best friend had never been more right.”

~ A.A. Milne

Sending love to those having a Difficult Day today ♥️????

Fall into Fitness

October 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Welcome to Autumn

The nights start to draw in and it becomes chillier and wet and all you want to do is stay home

The thought of leaving the house to go the gym puts you off

Going out in the dark before/after work to get your workout in…doesnt always sound so appealing in the autumn/winter months

If you are thinking about all this…..then why not try working out from home…you can access lots of FREE stuff online or even better you can join my online Fitness Studio where I offer 10+ classes a week for £10 OR even better you can stay for 4 weeks for just £30…thats less than £1 a class PLUS you dont need to leave the house, sit in traffic or get cold…HELL do it in ur PJS…no1 can see you

If you are thinking about your Health and Fitness for Autumn and Winter and it stresses u out….then you know what to do…come and join us

No Traffic

No getting cold

No getting wet

Save time

Jump straight in thew shower/bath afterwards

Save £££

Save Petrol

No childcare needed

Have your say in classes

Catch up on demand anytime

Workout in ur PJs if you wish

What more could you want???

Message to get into my VIP Group

Jen x

Exercising and your Period

October 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Despite what you make think or been told …ITS OK to exercise during your period…actually you can get some good gains

I know, I Know sometimes its the LAST thing we wanna do….but I thought Id share some bits with you that may help with your training and also explain some things too.

We are always going to be 100% all the time, we cant always be on top of our game and smashing every goal….but what we can do is tailor our training to our cycle and tune into the body and be kind to it.

Its important that no matter what we listen to our body, but also know ITS OK to exercise during any part of your cycle

So we count Day 1 as the 1st day of the period

So obv the days below are examples as everyones period/cycle length is different 

During Day 1-3 you may not feel like exercising so keep in mind to be kind to yourself, rest when needed and just move your body in a way that feels good. 

During day 7-12 This is the Follicular Phase and a great time for HIIT –  especially long intensity style aerobics training

During Day 12-14 before Ovulation (so still in the follicular phase) there is a surge in estrogen and this is the best time to lift heavy and go for any PBs. This is because Estrogen has a positive effect on muscle growth and strength 

Around day 18-20 the Luteal Phase comes and energy can dip here so its better to go for a lighter/easier session with less stress on the body. Also the Body Temp will rise quicker due to progesterone and therefore you can fatigue quicker  – you can still lift weights but the focus should be decreasing weight and more reps.

When are progesterone levels are high it can increase our temperature and make it harder to cool down via sweat from the body….so factor this in

Feels bloated before the period?? Its he high hormone levels thats affect the hormones that regulate fluid in the body

BUT saying all this,…if all you want to do during your period is slob around and not move then you do you…dont feel you need to exercise 

Nutrition and Periods

October 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Food during Period

During the second half of your cycle after dropping very low at ovulation, your estradiol levels increase and then decrease again just before your period.

Estradiol Works Like an Appetite Suppressant

What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat are influenced by many factors.

Studies have shown that you eat less just before you ovulate than you do at any other point in your menstrual cycle. Overall, you eat less during the first half of your cycle when estradiol is in charge than you do during the second half of your cycle when your estradiol levels are relatively lower and progesterone comes into the picture.

Luteal Phase (avg day 14)

When you have less estradiol . This may cause you to subconsciously search for more calories as the appetite suppressing effect of estradiol is diminished. Again, research supports that a woman with regular menstrual cycles tends to take in more calories during the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle.

What to eat during your period:

  • Fill the plate with veggies and fruit
  • Healthy Fats
  • Up your protein (will help keep your blood sugar stable and also help with cravings)
  • Magnesium Supp (will help with Cramps)
  • Wild Fish ((will help with Cramps and Healthy Fats)
  • Dark Green Leafy veg (hormones and energy)
  • Citrus Fruit
  • Oysters 
  • Broccoli (esp if you have a heavy period)
  • 70% + chocolate is great – has magnesium which helps with cramps, sleep, stress and neurotransmitters) 


  • Provides Amino Acids to repair and maintain your hormones, muscles , organs and immune system
  • Aim for 1g (at least) per kg of bodyweight
  • Try and have a protein rich brekkie – helps improve the stress response on the body


  • Good for Energy
  • Supports Immune System Function


  • Good for your gut bacteria and metabolism of Estrogen


  • Important building blocks for stored hormones (estrogen and progesterone)
  • Omega 3 helps reduces inflammation. (coconut oil, fish, nuts…seeds)


  • Sugary foods…they increase anxiety
  • Salty Stuff – plays havoc with bloating and the gut
  • Coffee and of course Alcohol 

Progesterone is the dominant hormone in the luteal phase or second half of your menstrual cycle. It is thought that one of the effects of progesterone is that it stimulates your appetite. Your elevated progesterone level is also responsible for some of the other unpleasant premenstrual symptoms you might experience bloating, constipation, and breast tenderness.

So, between the decrease in the appetite suppressant effects of estradiol and the appetite-stimulating effect of progesterone, you have some challenging biological hurdles to overcome.

From the start of your period until ovulation you have about two weeks where your hormones are on your side. Your estradiol level is up and your progesterone level is down. This is a good time to get started on a healthy diet and exercise routine. If you can get yourself into a good routine in these two weeks it will help you face the challenges that come with the luteal phase of your cycle.

The real challenge starts when you hit your luteal phase. But now you understand why your body turns to simple carbs and sugary food to help boost your mood. Armed with this knowledge you can try some tactics to help you stick to your healthy eating goals even in the luteal phase:

  • Be kind to yourself. Slip-ups will happen. Remember, just because you had a few cookies doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track.
  • Get moving. Getting regular exercise, especially during the luteal phase, is very helpful for appetite control. If you tend to snack at night try doing a few minutes of dancing or running in place before you head off to the kitchen for a snack. Or take some time to do some mood-boosting and anxiety blasting yoga poses.
  • Snack substitutes. Try to substitute for a healthier snack. If you are a potato chip muncher, try no-butter popcorn. If chocolate is your go-to craving, trade in your milk chocolate for dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has serotonin-boosting powers as well as other health benefits.
  • Have a cup of tea. Try a cup of herbal tea to calm your mind. Not only is slowly sipping a cup of hot tea a relaxing ritual, but you can also benefit by choosing teas with mood-boosting properties.
  • Head to bed. If you are having a particularly rough day and really struggling not to dive into that bag of cookies head to bed. Sleep is extremely healing for your body and helps to reduce the stress hormone cortisol which can also sabotage your mood and your diet.

Lets talk Cellulite

September 23rd        Uncategorized    No Comments

Got Cellulite?? GREAT So have most people
Why do we try and hide it?
Why do companies sell shit like Cellulite creams/pants/supplements….do they even know what it is??

Do you know its natural and it looks god damn HOT?
Cellulite……part of the body and genetic make up…you cant get rid of it like you can do body fat…so stop trying to
Embrace it, show it off and stop hiding away because you have it
And if someone tells you its ugly….you have my permission to tell them to FUCK OFF

What goes into a class?

September 10th        Uncategorized    No Comments

What goes into a class?

We dont just rock up, lash the music on an start teaching…we dont just decide there and then this is what we are going to do and then BAM it all comes to us

NOOOOO we spend endless hours (unpaid may I add) making up routines, getting it to flow, finding the write music, the right BPM, the right moves to compliment each other.

We plan everything from the warm up to the stretch

We spend hours researching new things to bring, all the different ways to do a squat (LOL) 

Next time you attend a class – wether it be online or face2face – show some respect and courtesy  for the instructor….because I can guarantee they’ve spent hours creating this one class for you to enjoy

There is sooo much that goes into a class….so much love, care and attention

OK so I only speak for myself here cos I dont know what other instructors do…but please know when you attend my classes…be it online, outdoor or at the gym….you will get the BEST I can give, I will have planned and prepared the class an picked the music I think is the best

I care

I Love what I do

Its not “just a class”

Jen x

Dont Buy Into it

September 10th        Uncategorized    No Comments


You see them promoting it

You see them tell you all about it

You see them giving you a “link” to buy it

You believe in them

You believe they have tried and tested it

You never once think they are just after the commission from their affilliate scheme

So you MUST buy it?

Because they “look good” and because they have made you believe that you need it

Do they care about you? NO

Do they care about your health and wellbeing? NO

So what do they care about…..?? £££££££ 

Just because a celeb endorses something..doesnt always mean they use it/believe in it/think it works… means they are getting paid for it…being told by their management etc that it must be done

But you buy it…cos they say so and you use your hard earned money to buy into it, to fill their pockets

Will it work? Probably not

Want a better option? Use the money to invest in YOU and YOURSELF in a better way…stop lining their pockets

Jen x

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