Lets talk content

March 1st        Uncategorized    No Comments
Lets talk content – now Im not posting this so you think Im the best (its OK I know I am haha)….just wanted to give you a bit of behind the scenes
ALL the content you see on this Page/Website/YouTube/Podcast….its all ME
I dont have an assistant/videographer/graphic designer – its just me
I spend about 1.5 days a week (at least) just on content, researching, writing and planning – but guess what NO-ONE pays me for this
I run a business, I do this because I love it and tbh I need to keep myself “seen” in such a busy,noisy platform
Everything has a purpose and I do this to be able to provide the BEST content ever
So next time you see something on my page…why not give it a like, share or even a comment – this costs you nothing but is priceless to me
Knowing me content is seen, appreciated and useful is worth more than anything, as I spend so much (unpaid) time doing this
Its nice to be nice
Jen x
p.s I hope u enjoy the content

New Beginnings

February 20th        Uncategorized    No Comments

In January I started a new exciting (and scary) journey in therapeutic coaching for Women

It’s going to be an exciting year as grow for myself but also as my business grows with me

This training goes a lot deeper & more specific than standard coaching and will enable me to help Women alike, as we move through all stages of life (as we know it) – it will enable me to help and support more women in all stages of their life

It’s a trauma informed approach and I am sure along the way I will learn a lot about myself and be able to share these experiences with you all

It will be available as a “new” stand-alone service…and will be the future and direction of the business going forward from end of this year – but you will see changes to everything I do as we move through 2023 

Let’s make 2023 a year to remember, lets support each other as we move through this thing we call “life” and if this sounds interesting to you – drop me a comment below as I will be needing some willing (and amazing) women to work with soon whilst I do my case studies 

Come with me on this journey

Jen x


February 20th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Did you know I have a Podcast?

Its into its 4th season and there is nearly 50 episodes and even better its FREE

Check it out on Apple, Spotify, Amazon and Google


I talk all things: Health, Fitness, Nutrition and just the truth…no Bullshit 

Id LOVE you to listen

Id LOVE you to share with a friend

PLUS if you listen on Apple…please leave a rating and review

Jen x


October 19th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Dont let yourself“burnout”…Ive reached this point and its not pretty….mentally, physically an emotionally burnt out….lets stop seeing “busy” as a badge of honour & learn to slow down & enjoy the moment….take it from me kids, it’s not a good place to be in

Maybe this is too honest? I dont care tbh…if I can help 1 person stop themselves from burning out then Im happy I have shared it

For the past few months…Ive been running on empty…Ive been doing everything for myself and others. Ive been running myself into the ground on both a Professional and Personal level.

Ive been working loads…..never taking a day off, being there for everyone an Ive basically just reached a point of burnout and trust me its not a good place to be

I stopped saying NO…..and started trying to do it all

Running 2 businesses an always thinking I have to be working and busy 

I feel Physically tired but also strong

I feel emotionally drained…to the point Ive ignored my feelings

I feel mentally out of whack

Being Busy doesn’t equal success or happiness…sometimes it does the exact opposite…its robs us of precious time with ourselves and out loved ones and in the long run can make us resentful and unhappy

Learn to slow down, be present and enjoy life for what it is

Busy can wait

Stop trying to be everything to everyone

I hope this encourages you to stop and breathe and be in the moment and n to get to the point I am at now

Jen x

p.s if you dont like my brutal honesty then please go away an dont one at me with ya neggy vibes

Ideal Body Type

February 5th        Uncategorized    No Comments
Wanna know what the Ideal Body Type is??
I can let you into a secret of the Ideal Body Type
Thats it…thats the BIG Secret!
There is NO Ideal Body Type
You are never guna look like someone else
Your body will never be the same as the ones you see on “the gram” – tbh half of them dont even look like that themselves
There is NO such thing as an Ideal Body Type/Shape
There isnt…end of!!!
There is no way you SHOULD look
There are NO rules
There isnt a book that tells you all this
You look how you look
You feel how you feel
We are all different
We all look different
Isnt that what makes us unique??
Jen x

Heart Health

February 5th        Uncategorized    No Comments
How a healthy heart works
Your heart is a muscle about the size of a fist. It is in the middle of your chest tilted slightly to the left.
Each day, your heart beats about 100,000 times. It pumps about 23,000 litres (5,000 gallons) of blood around your body.
This blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body, and carries away unwanted carbon dioxide and waste products. Your heart is a vital part of your cardiovascular system.
How can you help keep your Heart Healthy?
1. Exercise
Helps keep the heart strong
Reduces risk of heart disease
Reduces Cholesterol
Reduces Blood Pressure
Increases Energy
Reduces Stress
It doesn’t have to be a big challenge you set yourself…small steps of you are starting out:
Small Changes
As little as 10mins a day counts
Be realistic with your goals
Make it part of your day (take the stairs, walk on lunch)
Variety – mix it up
Reward progress with a massage
Join a group and get support
2. Healthy Eating
Regular Meals
Veggies in your diet
Reduce Salt Intake
Eliminate “Bad” Fats
Eat Fish
Stay Hydrated
Eat “Good” Fats
Don’t go crazy, and don’t avoid food….just change your lifestyle and eat healthy:
Keep a food diary
Plan and Prepare Meals
Resist Temptation
3. Eliminate/Reduce Stress
Stress isn’t a direct factor but it is a contributor. The more you stress, the more stress you put on your heart and it’ll also have an effect on your diet and exercise….so really it all needs to work hand in hand
Make positive Lifestyle Changes
Positive, Healthy changes to Diet
Seek support if needed
Take time out
All the above points work hand in hand and they all support each other.
Start small and prioritise and work through a way to lead the happiest and healthiest lifestyle you can
You Deserve it
Your HEART Deserves it
Give it the love it needs….for LIFE!!!
Jen x

My Biggest TOP for January….

January 10th        Uncategorized    No Comments
MY BIGGEST TIP for January
If you are changing or doing anything this month then my BIGGEST TIP is Drink Water
Sound simple right??…..but how many of us forget or just dont drink enough and then wonder why we feel drained?
Over Christmas we often eat all the lovely food….and stuff we may not eat all the time, we drink more than usual and maybe dont move as much and then this can leave us feeling lethargic, puffy and just a bit “blahhh”….You body is crying for some H20!!!
Grab a water bottle now and go fill it up..leave it on your desk, by the bed and take one when your out and about (and of course when at the gym)
The Body NEEDS Water and is crying out
Getting hydrated will help with your energy levels, skin and just make you feel so much better
Jen x

January Feels

January 10th        Uncategorized    No Comments
I’m throwing this out there……! As its Jan most people stress and start to wanna lose weight an make changes….I see it every Jan and that’s great…and I admire anyone who makes these goals and wants to make positive changes, BUT please don’t follow fad diets or jump on the drinking silly shakes diets…YES u will lose “weight” initially and then u will think it’s all ok! but this weight loss is NOT always fat, its normally just water…and of course u can’t stay on these silly things for a lifetime….so what happens when return to normal eating? You put it on, sometimes twice as much and the majority if it you put back in is FAT and ur back to square one and the only pounds you will have lost are ££££
YES as I said these shakes/fad diets etc will make u lose weight in the short term….BUT we need to address the bigger picture and start to view HEALTH as a long term lifestyle change we can sustain, an just to add a bit extra, they f**k up your hormones and metabolism….so stay away, be wise….changing ur lifestyle may take a little longer for u to achieve your goals, but in the long run you will benefit….100000% more!!
Is losing weight really as important as health??
Dont buy into it an line their pockets!!! We have food readily available to us – use it!
Be patient!

Autumn Equinox

September 22nd        Uncategorized    No Comments

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox represents a lot in the world of woo. It is the equilibrium of day and night and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a season of transition.

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is a beautiful time to reset and honor yourself and all that you have done these past few months.

The Autumn Equinox is here to prove that your emotional work was for a great cause.

The season of Autumn is here to slow things down and lead you to what you need.

This is a time of HARVEST.

Things are slowing down. The leaves are changing colors and trees are shedding what they no longer need.

The same is happening for you. You’re changing and releasing things you no longer need as you progress into the end of the year

Harvest the energy of you.

Crystals you need to celebrate Mabon:

  • Topaz
  • Amber
  • Aventurine
  • Lapis Lazuli

Put your crystals around you and journal on what you are finally releasing.

Jen x

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