LOVE is always the answer
Our Hearts
They keep us alive
Ticking away
Sometimes they are happy
Sometimes they get hurt or even broken
There will be bumps along the way in life
Hearts will break
Hearts will heal
Hearts will sing
Never make your heart smaller…even after all the heartache and hurt….you still need your heart to pump away, to heal you, to help you and to shine out to help others.
Every Heart beat
Every Pump
The heart has our back
Always show the vastness of your heart, let it shine, let it beat and let it love
The heart wants us to love, be loved and show love always
Lets keep our hearts beating strong
Never lower your hearts frequency for others
Let the heart feel
Let the heart Love
And let the heart be loved
Love is always the answer
Jen x
Week 2 of Lockdown – do you need routine?
We are into Week 2 of this lockdown/isolation now and I just wanted to check in with you
I think last week a lot of us were trying to get our head round everything, find a new routine and a new way of doing things…I know I certainly was and now Im into week 2 I feel more organised and ready to get going.
Are you ready to get a new routine going? We are so used to being in a routine with work, school and kids….it can be really hard when its all thrown up and life has to change, but we can adapt and change…we just need to take some time to reflect and think
What have you been struggling with he most?
Quite often when stuck at home with no routine our health, nutrition and fitness can drop off….and do you know what THATS OK!!
If last week you ate all the food, didn’t move and didn’t even get dressed….then thats OK and do you know what maybe your body needed that. If last week you didn’t do any homeschooling ro anything you said you were going to do…then ITS OK
We cant beat ourselves up for what we have done and how we have dealt with this crazy situation…its unknown to us all and we just need to accept that\
Fitness Gains/Weight Loss etc are NOT important right now….so please dont stress yourself over it BUT also if you want to move then YOU DO IT
Week 2 is here and maybe its time for some structure and a schedule….maybe its time to plan your food, your day and get a NEW routine going….take some time today to sit down, reflect and plan a schedule for this week, get a new routine going that will work for you NOW
Dont worry about what you used to do or what you will be doing when this is all over . Plan for NOW, Plan for this coming week take the pressure off yourself
Do you need some help?
Let me know
You are doing amazingly in these circumstances
Jen x
Its not a competition
Your feelings are not a competition.
We are all going through something pretty crazy right now and all our feelings are valid no matter are status/job
We are allowed to feel all the feels and all th emotions and thats a given right
Please stop making this into a competition and outing people for how they feel
We are all confused/sad/hurt/worried/stressed etc
Just Feel how and when you need to feel
Cherish these times that we wont get back
and just be kind!!!!!! (to yourself and to others)
Crystals – where to start?
Do you see peoples Crystal Collections and just wonder ” where do I start”?
With so many crystals around and them becoming a lot more popular lately, it can be confusing to know what crystals are good to start with cant it?
I always say to go with crystals you are drawn to, or that present themselves to you in the strangest of ways…..if you are drawn to a crystal for whatever reason it may be… need that crystals healing energies in your life….
But what if you aren’t drawn and just want to know where to start??
Ive put together a little list of Crystals I feel are GREAT Starters and GREAT all rounders too.
Rose Quartz – connected to the heart Chakra and all about Love, Self love and compassion – its a light pink crystal.
Amethyst – a great all rounder and really helps with calming the mind and anxiety too – its purple in colour
Clear Quartz – this is the master healer and also amplifies the energies of any other crystals it is around…a great one for the crystal tool box
Citrine – the crystal of energy and abundance, also a great financial abundance crystal ( I keep a piece in my purse always) – its yellow in colour
Whilst there are 1000s of different crystals…these 4 are a great starter
They can be bought as a crystal, on a bracelet or keyring, necklace…..its just personal preference.
I really hope this has helped and if you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch
Also if you would like to purchase these crystals, you can also do so from myself.
Love and Light
Jen x
Fitness is more than Physical
With the recent news that all Gyms now MUST close…it made me think! Exercise is more than just the physical for people….exercise helps people with their mental and emotional health too and with the gyms being closed this can impact people in so many more ways than just “missing a workout”
For some the gym/exercise is an escape from everything, its a way to feel good on the inside and a way to bring some energy and good chemicals into the body
Exercise has such a positive effect both Physically and Mentally to people and there can be a worry now that now the gyms are gone their Physical and Mental health may take a dip……Id like to reach out to anyone who is worried and let you know I am here to support you in anyway…please drop me a message and let me help you.
I can offer advice for your Physical and Mental health and give you some tips of how you can exercise at home…even for FREE
Please if you are feeling like you may struggle after this news…reach out!
- Move in anyway that feels good…whilst you can get outside and go for a walk – the fresh air and the connection with nature will having so many more benefits
- Dont over think it – any form of movement is beneficial
- Reach out for help – Im here
- Focus on learning a new skill…maybe cooking, recipes or even meditation
There is so much you can do at home and outside to support your Physical and Mental Wellbeing….the gym is just a tool, but you have the power inside to overcome and go for anything that makes you feel good
Take this time to also look inside and reflect on things, maybe the body also needs a rest physically? Or even just a stretch to some yoga? The options are now endless
If you can look outside of the box and see what options are available
Please get in touch if I can help
Jen x
It’s OK
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to workout at home
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to eat biscuits and drink tea
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to eat cake
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to track food
Its ok during this Isolation if you DONT want to exercise
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to have a nap
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to watch Netflix
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to cry
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to laugh
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to have some “you” time
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to stay away from social media
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to be positive
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to be negativeIts ok during this Isolation if you want to have a drink or 2
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to stay in bed all day
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to sit out in the sun (social distancing and at home of course)
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to dress up
Its ok during this Isolation if you want to stay in your PJs
Its ok during this Isolation if you DONT want to homeschool your kids every hour or every day
Its ok during this Isolation if you just dont know what to feel
ITS OK to do anything and feel anyway you want to
There are no “Rules to Isolation”
You do what makes you feel good
Take each day as it comes
Dont worry what others are or aren’t doing
Its OK to do whatever you want on that given day
Its OK to feel all the feels and go through all the emotions
Its YOUR Isolation
Focus on that
You CANT out-run your fork!
Guess what……
Yep… matter how much you train if you eat sh*t then its a recipe for disasters
If you train hard all week and then ruin your diet at the weekend…yes thats fine and its your choice BUT the results will never come
They say Abs are made in the kitchen and in a way thats kinda true, what you eat and what your body absorbs will eventually reflect on the outside and your body is a clever little sausage.
If you train a few times a week that can be 4(ish)hours a week….so thats 164 hours a week you are not exercising (give or take)…so its sometimes more important what you do with those hours then whilst you are actually in the gym. (Im NOT saying the gym hours dont count….)
When it comes down to it….you just need to burn more calories than you consume…that is literally the basics….so unless you going to be exercising more than you’re not…it makes sense to look at your nutrition and make those tweaks and eat right, because you will never out run your fork (but not all calories are created equal)
It does go deeper than that above, as certain foods can trigger certain hormonal changes, food is sending your body information and it will in turn react..but let’s not get too technical.
No matter how hard you train,…YOU WONT see results if you have a sh*tty diet.
Match your diet to your training
Moderation is key
Avoid restricting your diet – as this can lead to long term damage
Good eating happens, exercise and harmony within are cornerstones to health, longevity, happiness and overall health
So stop trying to run away from your fork
Jen x
Im going Online
I am going to be taking OneBody Fitness Online over the next few months
What online programs would you like to see?
Online is all done via email/whatsapp and Facebook groups and will include workouts, nutrition, LIVEs, Q&A sessions and lots of Health and Fitness Info
What Online program would you sign up to?
Let me know in comments below
Jen x
We’ve all been there…..right?
We’ve all been there right?
Jeans….who else has a love-hate relationship with them??
This happened to me yesterday…to be fair how I am feeling I prob shouldn’t have even entered a changing room BUT I was killing time before my classes and occupying my mind
Jeans….such a funny item of clothing…almost always guaranteed to make someone feel shitty how about they look and their size!!
Who even decides on what a “12” is in jeans??….not everyone who is a 12 is the same size, looks the same or even weighs the same (btw I am using 12 hypothetically….its the first number that came into my mind)
Personally I always have to go up a size in jeans due to my legs and bum… they gape on the waist…..because I am NOT a size, I am NOT a weight, I am not a number…..Im kinda a bit more
I laughed it off (I really did)….because approx 30 secs after this picture was taken I struggled to get them off because I was so hot in the changies and I was like WTF I cant get these off…..and feared I may be spending the rest of my days in half zipped up jeans
Moral?? Dont let a “jean” define you…or a number
BUT also moral…..fuck jeans!!!
Thank you for anyone who messaged me….telling me I am strong <3 because yes I am
Who else has the “jeans struggle”? Beaucse its REAL!
Jen x
Yoga……what its NOT
Just throwing this out there.
There is a lot of misconceptions and judgement when it comes to Yoga.
Now I am a Yoga Teacher….but ….
Can I do everything?…NO
Am I the most bendy person ever?…NO
Can I do Headstands/Crow/Handstands?…NO
But does this define me as a Yoga Instructor?
Does this make me sh*t at what I do?
NO It doesn’t
Nor does it make you a sh*t participant if you can’t do these things or other poses either.
What we need to do is STOP comparing ourselves to others…to their journey, to their progress and to how they look when doing stuff
We are all anatomically made different…for some people things come naturally, others need to work hard to feel and look and certain way and for some people no matter how much you practice – because we are all made differently.
Anatomically different what do I mean? Well some of us are “made” (so to speak) in a certain way that our bodies may never be able to do some stuff or get into certain postures….but does this define us?? No
For some of us injury may have caused us to not be able to do these things as it could pose extra injury or even harm to use….but does this define us and should this stop us from practicing?….NO
We need to remember we are all on our own journey
Stop comparing how we look to others – we can all be doing he exact same posture and all look completely different – but that’s hat is right for US
Focus on your journey
Focus on how you feel
Know you are NOT defined by what you can and can’t do
And most importantly be so utterly grateful for every movement your body does
I know even as a teacher there are some things I cannot do…and some I may never be able to do…and thats OK for me because as a teacher I am not there at the front of the class to show off what I can do…I am there to guide and teach (safely) my students and to have them leave with a sense of empowerment and wellness and just sheer love
Jen x