Jen Mercer

Stay Hydrated

May 27th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Whilst is is “always” important to stay hydrated (especially when exercising) it is even more so important during the hotter weather.
We are having (lucky us) some lovely weather lately…and its so important to stay hydrated when out in the sun.

Water can be boring? Anyone else agree…I dont really like plain water, butch the same time I wouldn’t ever drink flavoured water… I make my own and I wanted to share some little tips with you today.

Not only can these help you with your water intake, they are refreshing, can energise the body and are great for the skin – Oh and they taste YUMMY!!!
Next time you have some water try adding these in, when Im at home Ill make a big jug and keep in freezer and when i am out and about teaching I like to add to my water bottle.

These can all be added individually – or if you are feeling a little wild them mix em up….like a cocktail but without the alcohol and hangover haha.

Even if you are drinking during the nice weather….have some water with your drinks too to stay hydrated and prevent any nasty hangovers.
I love adding these to my water:
• Lemon
• Lime
• Fresh Ginger
• Cucumber
• Mint leaves
• Strawberries
• Watermelon
• A pinch of Himalayan Salt

And as I said you can also mix these up…like cucumber and lemon are lovely together and lime and mint is delicious

Stay hydrated but without the sugar laden drinks
Enjoy the sunshine
Get some Vit D on your skin Wear your sun cream
Stay Hydrated

Jen x

Vitamin D

May 27th        Uncategorized    No Comments

With the lovely weather we are currently experiencing, it felt kind of apt to write this Article…so I hope it inspires you to get out into the Fresh Air 🙂

Not only does it add vitamin to the skin but it also is great for the mind and the soul…being out in nature and fresh air and connecting back to the self is such a good way to not only help with physics Health but also with our Mental Health too.

Now I must firstly say if you are considering going out into the “Sun” please make sure you keep hydrated

So with all this talk of Sun, Fresh Air….may I present “Vitamin D” maybe not a Vitamin you are very familiar with, and this is because for so long Vitamin D has only really been used to prevent rickets……BUT NO Offence Vitamin C but Vit D may now be the bee’s knee’s as you body relies on it….so move over C and make way for D!!

Vit D also always used to be the “robin” the Calciums “batman” but this is all a change – Vit D actually encourages the absorption & metabolism of Calcium and Phosphate levels in Blood!

Vitamin D is a major player in overall Health and may be just what the doctor ordered. Vitamin D is the “Sunshine Vitamin”……but as we all are in the UK…we dont really see a lot of sunshine throughout the year (which actually explains why so many people suffer from SAD in the Winter) To Avoid getting SAD in the Winter make sure that when the sun is shining that you try and get out there and top up your Vit D stores….you never know when you may need them.

Anyways…here I am waffling on about how amazing Vit D is…..well incase you think its all BS…take a look at the list below:

  • Boosts you Immune System
  • Can be obtained from Sun, Food and Supplements (foods: Cod Liver Oil, Eggs, Fruit and Veg)
  • Helps maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Regulates Blood Pressure
  • Helps lower MS and Diabetes levels
  • Helps prevent the onset of Osteoperosis and Arthritis
  • Helps reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression (how happy do people seem when the sun is shining??)
  • Anti Inflammatory agent
  • Regulates Blood Sugar Levels (which will in turn help with Diabetes and Weight)
  • Increases overall Health and Wellbeing in people

Lots of us are deficient in Vit D – without even realising it, maybe from the foods we DONT eat or just for the simple fact we dont get enough sun/daylight as we should…lets be honest if you are stuck in an office all day with artificial lighting and air con…its not really the ideal way to get VIt D stored topped up. Now I am not saying give up your job and go and work outside…but what I will say is GET OUT whether its on your break, lunch or even getting off the bus a stop earlier….ENJOY this sun and increased hours of daylight whilst you can….because we will all soon complain when its gettin darker and colder. Even if you just get out for 10-15 mins…surely thats better than nothing?


When its cold and dark in Winter the last thing we all want to do is go outside, so we stay all snuggled up in the warm….but gone are the days of that….I know we are having a lucky spell at the moment with the weather, but surely this should make you want to make the most of it all?? As I said before, whether it means just walking somewhere, standing outside on your lunch or even exercising outside…the benefits to Fresh Air are endless:

  • Increase Overall Health (as above)
  • Lowers Stress and Depression
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Helps you Sleep zzzzzzzz
  • The “Happy” Chemical “Seretonin” is higher in the brain during this time of year…when the days are longer… lots of happy smiling people……surely this is a good thing
  • By exercising outside – this will provide the body with more Oxygen, that will assist with metabolism and helps muscles convert the sugar to energy and makes the body more efficient _ BONUS!!!!
  • Good for the Soul
  • Helps us reconnect to ourselves 

So what are you waiting for?? Log off your phone and GET OUTSIDE…you never know how long the sun will stay around for….you better make the most of it!!!

Get some VIt D onto your skin, absorb into your body and top up the stores

Breath in the Fresh Air and full your lungs

You’ll be amazed at how FAB you will feel just by doing this….Oh and did I say its FREE!!

The sun has got his hat on….hip, hip, hip HORAAAYYYY!!!


10 Reasons why Online Classes are GREAT!

May 14th        Uncategorized    No Comments

10 reasons why Online Classes are great!

1. Safety/cleanliness

2. Childcare

3. Get the whole family involved

4. Save time (driving/queuing..)

5. Save money (online cheaper than live classes)

6. Back catalogue of classes to rewatch

7. Pause button-if you want to work on a move for longer or nip to the loo-you don’t miss out. Rewind to watch an exercise again

8. Community and communication with instructor and other members and the ability to share your suggestions to tailor classes

9. No need to book-guaranteed access to classes if you are a member

10. Flexibility to do the classes whenever and wherever you like (most of mine are pre-recorded!) and wear your pjs too! 

Jen x

The Story of OneBody Fitness

May 14th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Im Jen and I am on a mission to help people Embrace their body and overcome any Health, Fitness and Mindset Obstacles and Challenges to finally start loving who they really are from the inside out..every single bit! I offer both Online and Face2Face Coaching on a 1-2-1 and Group basis! Something for everyone no matter what your lifestyle is 

Im here to inspire you and to help you realise how amazing you are. Its my mission to help You fall in ,love with who you are over and over again

In 2004 I qualified in Fitness and worked my way up to management 

In 2010 –  left my fitness manager job and decided to set my business up (big risk I know…bout a risk I had to take as I was unhappy), 10 years later and you see this is where I am. Its been hard work, blood sweat and tears but I am dedicated to helping women lead a happier and healthier life – As I believe that all Women deserve to love their bodies and live the healthiest life they can do

In 2017 my Business changed a little and I have added a more Holistic approach to how I work. I believe in the body as a whole…..physical, emotional and mental body – they all come together and we need to make sure they are all in-tune with each other.

In 2020 we faced the Worldwide Corona Virus Pandemic and I completely transformed the Business to work online…so I suppose you could say I now own an Online Business. I offer 1-2-1 PT, Fitness Classes, Masterclasses and Coaching all via Social Media Channels….this is a part of my business I am excited about and cant wait to continue…it allows me to reach and help more people and I will be continuing with this after this is all over

Fitness is my passion….and now I can add my other passion of all this Holistics and Happiness into it.

I offer a wide range of Massage and Holistic Therapies alongside all the Fitness and Wellness Coaching

I believe we all deserve to live the happiest and healthiest life we can, and I am here to guide, inspire and support YOU on your journey.

YES IM 10 This year! Ive been in Fitness since 2004 and fall more and more in love with what I do everyday

You only have 1 Body Look after it!

Kindness Matters – Mental Health Awareness Week

May 13th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year is “Kindness” 

Next week I will be posting here everyday about Kindness, Quotes and just all things about being Kind

I encourage you to be kind to yourself and others as much as you can

I will be running a Monday Pilates Class and my Usual Sunday Meditation and will base these on Kindness to the Body and Mind

The Monday Class and Sunday Meditation are donation based….I will be popping up a link so you can make a donation (no matter how small) to the Mental Health Foundation 

I hope you will join me in spreading the Kindness Love next week

Jen xx

Exercise is more than just Physical

May 13th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Exercise is more than just the physical for people….exercise helps people with their mental and emotional health too and with the gyms being closed this can impact people in so many more ways than just “missing a workout”

For some the gym/exercise is an escape from everything, its a way to feel good on the inside and a way to bring some energy and good chemicals into the body

Exercise has such a positive effect both Physically and Mentally to people and there can be a worry now that now the gyms are gone their Physical and Mental health may take a dip……Id like to reach out to anyone who is worried and let you know I am here to support you in anyway…please drop me a message and let me help you.

I can offer advice for your Physical and Mental health and give you some tips of how you can exercise at home…even for FREE

Please if you are feeling like you may struggle after this news…reach out!


  • Move in anyway that feels good…whilst you can get outside and go for a walk – the fresh air and the connection with nature will having so many more benefits
  • Dont over think it – any form of movement is beneficial
  • Reach out for help – Im here
  • Focus on learning a new skill…maybe cooking, recipes or even meditation

There is so much you can do at home and outside to support your Physical and Mental Wellbeing….the gym is just a tool, but you have the power inside to overcome and go for anything that makes you feel good

Take this time to also look inside and reflect on things, maybe the body also needs a rest physically? Or even just a stretch to some yoga? The options are now endless 

If you can look outside of the box and see what options are available

Please get in touch if I can help (and if you want to join my VIP Online Fitness Studio…just let me know)

Jen x

Positives of Lockdown

May 13th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Even though we are in a really weird, scary and sad time right now….its ok to see positives happening….and here are the positives Ive noticed  from Lockdown:

  • People out using their daily outside to go for walks – some who may never have gone for a walk before or those who always “too busy” to do it
  • As above…using the local parks, being in nature – connecting
  • Smiles to strangers – I certainly smile an say good morning on my daily walks
  • Health its being prioritised massively
  • Exercising at home – its amazing to see so many people moving
  • Slower Pace of life for many, we are stopping…no rushing round and learning to be still
  • Making memories with our loved ones
  • Connections with friends and family (yes virtually) but I do believe friendships and relationships will become stronger after this
  • People cooking at home
  • Naps
  • Gratitude
  • Appreciation for others
  • Less Pollution 
  • The Weather
  • Quietness of the world
  • The Sky
  • Priorities changing for the better
  • We are learning what we”really” need in life
  • Making do with what we have
  • Less greed (in the majority)
  • Learning new skills..even if something small
  • People reading more
  • Being present – in the moment
  • Looking within for what really matters

I do hope after this we all have a greater appreciation for the miracle that is life….I hope we carry on prioritising health, living life by our own rules and slowing down the pace a little. I hope we all become more grateful in every way and cherish all those we love…always

That Week before lockdown

May 13th        Uncategorized    No Comments

The week before lockdown when I lost every single part of my business…I was so upset – I was just thinking…what has just happened, everything Ive built up in the past 10 years of business was just took from under my feet and I had no control over it

I knew I did have control over 1 thing though and that was that I am going to make this work online…..and right there and then I set up my Online Fitness Studio – I wasn’t sure how it would go, what would happen or even if it would work for me.

Here I am coming into week 6 and its been 1 of the Best business decisions I ever made. I am so happy and grateful I still get to do what I love from home, I can still motivate and inspire people and keep my passion for my job alive.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this new journey….for all those who share my posts, tell their friends, have joined my Free group and also to my amazing VIP Members who have joined my Online Fitness Studio – your support is priceless 

I am beyond grateful  for everyone who has trusted me to be their Lockdown Motivator.

What I do is more than just a job to me…its my life, my passion and when I lost it all….I was so devastated and then I flipped it and made it work – it was a risk but it was a risk worth taking

I am going to continue in lockdown and beyond for this Online side of my business, being able to reach out and help so many more people has been wonderful for me.

I will admit its kept me sane too…yeh Ive had my wobbles (like everyone) and some days I feel down and other days I feel up….but we have to ride it out and feel the emotions as they come. For me this has helped massively mentally…giving me a purpose and focus

I guess what I am saying is THANK YOU to everyone single person who is supporting me on this mission… are all amazing and I am so grateful for you all

Oh and Im not ashamed to admit Im proud of myself and my business and what I’ve managed to achieve during lockdown

Jen x

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