Jen Mercer

What is the Ideal Body??

September 10th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Wanna know what the Ideal Body Type is??

I can let you into  a secret of the Ideal Body Type




Thats it…thats the BIG Secret!

There is NO Ideal Body Type

You are never guna look like someone else

Your body will never be the same as the ones you see on “the gram” – tbh half of them dont even look like that themselves

There is NO such thing as an Ideal Body Type/Shape

There isnt…end of!!!

There is no way you SHOULD look

There are NO rules

There isnt a book that tells you all this

You look how you look

You feel how you feel

We are all different

We all look different

Isnt that what makes us unique??

Exercise….does it stress u out???

August 19th        Uncategorized    No Comments


Does the thought of it stress you out?

Dont know where to start?

Worried what others will think?

Will they look at me? Judge me?

Too much confusing info out there?

Not got the time?

Stressed about the thought of it?

Feeling unfit?

Exercise doesn’t have to bring all this to the surface

It shouldn’t add to your stress

We can often over complicate it, think it needs to be something more than it is.

Exercise is simply just moving the body in a way that feels good for you

Need help? – Hire a trainer, Invest in yourself

Dont know where to start? – Trainer/Youtube/Message me

Haven’t got the time? – walk more, take the stairs, get up half an hour earlier

Worried what others will think? – FUCK them

Will they judge me? – who cares? Say more about them at the end of the day 

The though stressing you out?- Go for a walk……oh look thats exercise

Feeling Unfit? – we all start somewhere, and until we start we cannot begin to get fitter

Money a worry? – Walk it’s FREE, Youtube…lots of FREE content

There will always be an excuse

BUT there will always be a solution

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

Just move…anyway


Take the stairs

Walk instead of email in the office

Park further away

Get off the bus a stop earlier

Take advantage of the lighter nights and go for a walk after your tea

Get out at weekends

Try that class you’ve always wanted to

Do it for YOU and no1 else

Jen x

Non Scale Victories

August 19th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Non Scale Victory… you celebrate yours?

Non Scale Victory is a way for us to measure their weight loss/progress without being constrained to a single measurement of a scale.

The Scales and the number thats on them seem to get put on a pedestal like its the be all and end all to Health and Fitness… often that we forget everything else that we have achieved and everything else that happens off the scales

Do you celebrate yours?

Here are some examples of Non Scale Victories:

  • Sleeping Better
  • Clearer Skin
  • Feeling Happy
  • More energy
  • Lowered Blood Pressure
  • Feeling Fitter
  • Breathing Better
  • Daily Activities feeling easier
  • Clothes fitting better
  • Increased concentration 
  • Clearer Focus
  • Wanting to move the body
  • Being inspiring to others
  • Stronger

Remember the scales are not a measure of success or of your worth

We need to STOP giving the scales and the number we see on them so much credit….Its time we celebrated all our wins

Will you celebrate yours?

What are your Non Scale Victories??

Jen x

You CANT Outrun your Fork

July 20th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Guess what……
Yep… matter how much you train if you eat sh*t then its a recipe for disasters
If you train hard all week and then ruin your diet at the weekend…yes thats fine and its your choice BUT the results will never come
They say Abs are made in the kitchen and in a way thats kinda true, what you eat and what your body absorbs will eventually reflect on the outside and your body is a clever little sausage.
If you train a few times a week that can be 4(ish)hours a week….so thats 164 hours a week you are not exercising (give or take)…so its sometimes more important what you do with those hours then whilst you are actually in the gym. (Im NOT saying the gym hours dont count….)
When it comes down to it….you just need to burn more calories than you consume…that is literally the basics….so unless you going to be exercising more than you’re not…it makes sense to look at your nutrition and make those tweaks and eat right, because you will never out run your fork (but not all calories are created equal)
It does go deeper than that above, as certain foods can trigger certain hormonal changes, food is sending your body information and it will in turn react..but let’s not get too technical.
No matter how hard you train,…YOU WONT see results if you have a sh*tty diet.
Match your diet to your training
Moderation is key
Avoid restricting your diet – as this can lead to long term damage
Good eating happens, exercise and harmony within are cornerstones to health, longevity, happiness and overall health
So stop trying to run away from your fork
Jen x

Online Classes

July 16th        Uncategorized    No Comments

For those of you who will NOT be returning to the gyms when they open BUT want to stay fit, do some classes and do it online….my Online Fitness Studio will be staying as I will not be returning to teach in gyms for the foreseeable future.

The Online Studio has 10 LIVE classes a week for just £10 (or £30 for 4 weeks…so u save £10) – if you cant make the classes LIVE – dont worry…the classes stay in the group for as long as you are a member, so you can go back and do them anytime

Join any day of the week

The Classes change every week…no class is ever the same, so lots of variety (HIIT, Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics, Dance, Salsa, Abs, Tone……so so much) Plus you get lots of VIP content, recipes and help from me

All classes range from 30-45mins PLUS you get all the Masterclasses for FREE too as being a member

No Contract..come an go as you please

No Driving to/from classes and worrying about whats going on

Amazing community of fabulous people

If you want to be part of this community then get in touch and come join us

Sound good?? You know what to do

Working out from home??

July 16th        Uncategorized    No Comments

When it comes to working out from home you dont need to invest in any fancy equipment…hey you dont even need any but if you are wanting too invest in some…these are the basics and staples Id suggest

You can get an amazing workout with each of these things, they are reasonably priced and can be bought online or at Sports Shops….I have 1000s of workouts on my YouTube on how to use these…so check it out

Fancy equipment doesnt equal a better workout…..dont be an “all the gear no idea” kind of person, choose what suits you and what you will benefit from

Any questions…pop below

Jen x

6 Packs….do you really want one?

July 16th        Uncategorized    No Comments

6 Packs can be a big “goal” to a lot of people

Do you know we ALL have a 6 pack?

So you get one….and then what?? Is it for the likes on the gram? Will it make a difference to your life?

Are you doing it for recognition from others?

They see pics of fitness models and so on – over on Social Media and in Magazines and they think they inspire to that because it is the ultimate Health and Fitness Goal

And whilst it is great to have a goal….sometimes we dont realise what actually goes into getting this goal….

So Ill keep this short and sweet

If you really want a 6 pack……no matter how many sit ups and planks you do……you will need to have a very LOW Body fat percentage to even get this…and thats the be all and end all

You can spend all day doing crunches but it doesn’t matter if your Body Fat isn’t LOW enough

And “sometimes” it isn’t actually healthy to get the BF that LOW……

So stop wasting your time doing all these silly ab curls and planks…instead how about chose a new goal of “Health” and just being happy?

Will a 6 pack make you happy? I mean really happy?

And if you are still stuck on getting one… biggest tip is LOOK AT YOUR DIET! You need to be at a calorie deficit to be able to drop serious Body Fat

Jen x


July 6th        Uncategorized    No Comments
Bloated….who can relate??
These pictures are about 12 hours apart…..obv you can see the difference
Nothing major happened to make me bloat….it could have been a number of things….tiredness, stress, hormones, hydrated, something Ive eaten. digestive issues, water retention…..a lot of things can cause bloating.
This was painful though..I felt sick so I just went to bed and had a good nights sleep and woke up just like the other picture…
So if you get bloated please know its NOT unusual and your NOT alone…but we need to ensure we keep our eyes on it….and get to the root cause, because it just doesnt happen….I know mine was I was feeling really stressed and really all over the place.
If you bloat a lot….maybe keep a food diary and maybe journal your feelings and see how you feel and if there are any triggers!!
Youre not alone…but your also dont need to suffer

Magnesium…the Super Mineral

June 29th        Uncategorized    No Comments


Magnesium is one (if not the) of the most important minerals to us….yet one of the most depleted. Without Magnesium there is NO body.

It is known as an energy nutrient as it activates enzymes that control digestion, absorption and utilization of Protein, Fats and Carbs….Diets that are high in Fat, Sugar and Salt not only make the body more deficient they also increase the need for magnesium, as magnesium is lost during the processing of BAD foods.

What exactly does magnesium do?

  • *It is a co-factor in assisting enzymes in the body
  • *It produces and transports energy
  • *It is necessary for the synthesis of proteins
  • *It helps transmit nerve signals
  • *It helps to relax muscles 
  • *Promotion of proper bowel function
  • *Action of your heart muscle
  • *Proper formation of bones and teeth

Magnesium also plays a role in your body’s detoxification processes and therefore is important for helping to prevent damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins. Even glutathione, your body’s most powerful antioxidant that has even been called “the master antioxidant,” requires magnesium for its synthesis

With that in mind, some early signs of magnesium deficiency to keep an eye out for include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and weakness

Magnesium actually regulates 325 enzymes including transporting, storing and utilizing energy….and more importantly regulating metabolism and it mostly works inside cells, bonding with ATP to produce energy for the body.

Women have less magnesium than men, as they have fewer circulating Red Blood Cells, plus also deficiencies in pregnancy, breast feedings and PMS.

Calcium often gets a a “bigging up” BUT in theory Magnesium is necessary to maintain proper levels of calcium in the blood and it is known as natures calcium channel blocker… too much calcium in the body can cause calcification and disrupt cell function.

So if this is the case, I bet you are wondering WHY Doctors and medical professionals dont offer this…..well the answer is simple, Doctors study “disease” not “wellness” and it is simply ignore because there is no profit to be made from it…so therefore pharmaceutical companies wont do the research as there is no money to be made……SAD but unfortunately true….a lot of the medical world is based on ££££ and thats what they get from all the drugs that we are given…….DID YOU KNOW that drugs (ie painkillers and diuretics) further deplete the body of magnesium. Out of all the research that has been done….everyone agrees that magnesium is indispensable for health, disease prevention and all of life processes…but because it cannot be patented – there is no money to be made from it.

There’s some evidence that eating foods high in magnesium and other minerals can help prevent high blood pressure in people with prehypertension.
Intravenous or injected magnesium is used to treat other conditions, such as eclampsia during pregnancy and severe asthma attacks.

Clearly there is more to life than Magnesium, but life cant exist without it…..look at some of the more common issues below, Magnesium plays a role in much much more, but to talk about them all would turn this Article into a Dissertation

Magnesium, Anxiety and Depression

  • Deficiency in Magnesium can produce symptoms of anxiety/ muscle weakness, fatigue, eye twitches, insomnia, apathy, poor memory, confusion and nervousness.
  • Serotonin, the “feel good” brain chemical that is boosted my prozac, depends on magnesium for its production and function. Magnesium is important to Serotonin because it is involved in the uptake and release of serotonin by the brain
  • Magnesium supports out adrenal glands, which are overworked by stress
  • Anxiety/Panic Attacks are not due to a deficiency in Valium or Prozac…our bodies do NOT require these substances….but these are what is given from the Doctor….may doing this all you are doing is changing the addiction of sugar/caffeine to prescription drugs without looking at the underlying metabolic cause. Support often given is in the form of a prescription rather than Health and Lifestyle and Diet advice.
  • Stress causes Magnesium Deficiency & lack of magnesium causes stress……touche??
  • Each time we experience any kind of stress the magnesium stores are tapped into the create energy

Magnesium, Migraines and Pain

  • Magnesium prevents platelet aggrevation, which helps avoid the thickened blood and tiny clots that can cause blood vessel spasms and the pain of a migraine
  • Magnesium relaxes the head and neck muscle tension that makes migraines worse.
  • Magnesium is responsible for balancing blood sugars
  • If you have Magnesium deficiency and have a lot of aspartame intake, this can results in migraines.
  • Magnesium regulates the action of brain neurotransmitters, which play a role in migraines when unbalanced 
  • Magnesium helps muscles relax

Magnesium & Exercise

  • Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients athletes can take
  • Magnesium reduces lactic acid, which causes post exercise pain
  • Magnesium is lost during exercise
  • Magnesium provides more energy
  • Magnesium  allows the body to burn fuel and create energy in an efficient cycle during exercise and doesnt lead to lactic acid production and build up

Magnesium and Obesity

  • Magnesium helps the body digest, absorb and utliize proteins, fats and carbs
  • Magnesium  is necessary for insulin to open cell membranes for glucose
  • Food craving/overeating can simply be because the body is in fact craving nutrients that are missing from processed food…you continue to eat empty calories and pack on the pounds, but you get no further ahead in any form of nutrients.
  • Every Metabolic function in the body requires vitamins and minerals, without them…symptoms develop 
  • Sugar overload can cause Magnesium deficiency
  • The refining of sugar actually shows a 98% drop in Magnesium 

Magnesium, PMS and PCOS

  • Chocolate, which some women crave, contains high amounts of Magnesium, but the added sugar and fat…dont really do us any favours.
  • Magnesium deficiency can cause PMS…yet doctors prescribe Serafem (which is another name for prozac)
  • Magnesium is a safe treatment for PMS and PMS headaches 
  • Treatment with magnesium eases headaches, sugar cravings and low blood sugar and dizziness
  • Estrogen and Progesterone (female sex hormones) influence Magnesium levels in the body.

Magnesium and Nutrition

  • Increase consumption of Green Veggies (arent I always saying this??), nuts, seeds, legumes and unprocessed grains
  • Vegetables, Fruit, Protein rich foods.
  • AVOID Fatty (bad), Sugary and Salty rich foods…all they will do is deplete magnesium further and further and make you feel worse and can then bring on all kinds of unknown medical conditions.

Check in with Yourself

June 16th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Check In with Yourself

When was the last time you checked in with yourself?

When was the last time you asked yourself “how are you doing?”

When was the last time you checked in with your emotions and how you are feeling?

You see thats the thing, we dont….we are so busy checking everyone else is ok and worrying about others, we totally forget about ourselves.

Im not saying you shouldn’t care about others…because you should BUT what I am saying is what about YOU?? Why in the midst of everything do you forget about yourself??


Its our god given right to be Selfish……its a form of self care and we all need to do a lot more of it.

The word Selfish is often seen as a negative word and associated with putting someone down “Oh how selfish are you”

I am here to dispel that myth……you should be SELFISH

You see being Selfish basically just means you belong to yourself….yep thats right “ish” is a form of belonging (just like when people say you are english…as you belong to england)

Everyday take time to check in with yourself…only takes a few minutes, be aware of how you are feeling, of your emotions and if there is anything you need to do to lift your energies and take your vibrations higher

If you cant even take a few minutes of your day for yourself….then how can you give to anyone else??

Be Selfish

Focus on YOU

Check in with yourself…body and mind


Its essential

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