Jen Mercer

Menstrual Migraines

February 1st        Uncategorized    No Comments

Get the Menstrual Headaches/Migraines?

Hate them?

Ruin your life whilst they are there?

These are common in women during Menstruation but they can be debilitating to some and cause pain, disruption in your day and just sadness

Estrogen plays a role and normally this is down to disruption of the nervous system and inflammation in the body 

During our period we have a drop of Estrogen and when estrogen drops so does serotonin and this results in a increase off chemicals associated with pain

Hormonal Fluctuations can wreak havoc with the body…both physically and mentally 

Here are some things you can do:

  • Journal it and track it…when it happens and then you can be prepared and do the things you need to do
  • Take magnesium supplement – it helps support your immune system and reduce inflammation
  • Turmeric is a natural anti inflammatory and it can be added to food to taken as a supplement 
  • Have an orgasm…research has shown this helps in 47% of cases
  • Yoga
  • 27% of the issues come from food and 38% come from alcohol so have a look at what your consuming – especially around your period
  • Lavender and peppermint topical oils can help

Jen x

Vitamin D – Sunshine Vitamin and much more

February 1st        Uncategorized    No Comments

May I present “Vitamin D” – …A vitamin that is getting spoken about more and more lately and about time I say……And NO Offence Vitamin C but Vit D may now be the bee’s knee;s as you body relies on it….so move over C and make way for D!!

Vit D also always used to be the “robin” the Calciums “batman” but this is all a change – Vit D actually encourages the absorbtion & metabolism of Calcium and Phosphate levels in Blood!

Vitamin D is a major player in overall Health and may be just what the doctor ordered. Vitamin D is the “Sunshine Vitamin”……but as we all are in the UK…we dont really see a lot of sunshine throughout the year (which actually explains why so many people suffer from SAD in the Winter) To Avoid getting SAD in the Winter make sure that when the sun is shining that you try and get out there and top up your Vit D stores….you never know when you may need them.

Anyways…here I am waffling on about how amazing Vit D is…..well incase you think its all BS…take a look at the list below:

  • Boosts you Immune System
  • Can be obtained from Sun, Food and Supplements (foods: Cod Liver Oil, Eggs, Fruit and Veg)
  • Helps maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Regulates Blood Pressure
  • Helps lower MS and Diabetes levels
  • Helps prevent the onset of Osteoporosis and Arthritis
  • Helps reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression (how happy do people seem when the sun is shining??)
  • Anti Inflammatory agent
  • Regulates Blood Sugar Levels (which will in turn help with Diabetes and Weight)
  • Increases overall Health and Wellbeing in people

Lots of us are deficient in Vit D – without even realising it, maybe from the foods we DONT eat or just for the simple fact we dont get enough sun/daylight as we should…lets be honest if you are stuck in an office all day with artificial lighting and air con…its not really the ideal way to get VIt D stored topped up. Now I am not saying give up your job and go and work outside…but what I will say is GET OUT whether its on your break, lunch or even getting off the bus a stop earlier….ENJOY the sun whenever you can. Even if you just get out for 10-15 mins…surely thats better than nothing?

I supplement Vitamin D – as it helps keep my levels topped up all year round 


When its cold and dark in Winter the last thing we all want to do is go outside, so we stay all snuggled up in the warm….but gone are the days of that….I know we are having a lucky spell at the moment with the weather, but surely this should make you want to make the most of it all?? As I said before, whether it means just walking somewhere, standing outside on your lunch or even exercising outside…the benefits to Fresh Air are endless:

  • Increase Overall Health (as above)
  • Lowers Stress and Depression
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Helps you Sleep zzzzzzzz
  • The “Happy” Chemical “Seretonin” is higher in the brain during this time of year…when the days are longer… lots of happy smiling people……surely this is a good thing
  • By exercising outside – this will provide the body with more Oxygen, that will assist with metabolism and helps muscles convert the sugar to energy and makes the body more efficient _ BONUS!!!!

So what are you waiting for?? Log off Facebook and GET OUTSIDE…because if this isnt going to last for long….you better make the most of it!!!

Get some VIt D onto your skin, absorb into your body and top up the stores

Breath in the Fresh Air and full your lungs

You’ll be amazed at how FAB you will feel just by doing this….Oh and did I say its FREE!!

The sun has got his hat on….hip, hip, hip HORAAAYYYY!!!


Magnesium – The Wonder Mineral

February 1st        Uncategorized    No Comments

I posted about Magnesiun I take before bed the other night & Ive had a few Questions…so heres all about Magnesium

Magnesium is one (if not the) of the most important minerals to us….yet one of the most depleted. Without Magnesium there is NO body.

It is known as an energy nutrient as it activates enzymes that control digestion, absorption and utilisation of Protein, Fats and Carbs.

What exactly does magnesium do?

  • *It is a co-factor in assisting enzymes in the body
  • *It produces and transports energy
  • *It is necessary for the synthesis of proteins
  • *It helps transmit nerve signals
  • *It helps to relax muscles 
  • *Promotion of proper bowel function
  • *Action of your heart muscle
  • *Proper formation of bones and teeth

Magnesium also plays a role in your body’s detoxification processes and therefore is important for helping to prevent damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins. 

Women have less magnesium than men, as they have fewer circulating Red Blood Cells, plus also deficiencies in pregnancy, breast feedings and PMS.

Calcium often gets a a “bigging up” BUT in theory Magnesium is necessary to maintain proper levels of calcium in the blood and it is known as natures calcium channel blocker… too much calcium in the body can cause calcification and disrupt cell function.

So if this is the case, I bet you are wondering WHY Doctors and medical professionals dont offer this…..well the answer is simple, Doctors study “disease” not “wellness” and it is simply ignore because there is no profit to be made from it…so therefore pharmaceutical companies wont do the research as there is no money to be made……SAD but unfortunately true….a lot of the medical world is based on ££££ and thats what they get from all the drugs that we are given…….DID YOU KNOW that drugs (ie painkillers and diuretics) further deplete the body of magnesium. Out of all the research that has been done….everyone agrees that magnesium is indispensable for health, disease prevention and all of life processes…but because it cannot be patented – there is no money to be made from it.

There’s some evidence that eating foods high in magnesium and other minerals can help prevent high blood pressure in people with prehypertension.
Intravenous or injected magnesium is used to treat other conditions, such as eclampsia during pregnancy and severe asthma attacks.

Clearly there is more to life than Magnesium, but life cant exist without it

The Struggle is real….

December 4th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Id say pretty much for the whole of this year Ive been struggling with massive body issues and hang ups but its definitely been highlighted during lockdown and not because I am lazy (Im far from it….my job literally wouldn’t allow me to be) or because I over eat, its been highlighted more due to the pandemic meaning I had to change how I run my business so I went 100% online…which means looking at myself on a Screen at least 3 times a day, editing videos and seeing my body all the time….this hasn’t been good for myself confidence or self esteem….and I have really struggled…and I really feel like no-1 understands, friends will always say “You look fine/strong/healthy to me” or “Dont be daft you look good”…and whilst thats great it doesnt help how I feel….Honestly?? I dont know whats going on, I actually move more now – allowing myself daily walks and teaching more than ever (and because its online I physically have to take part in every class)…yet here I am – in the worst shape of my life, heaviest Ive been (although tbh weight doesnt bother me) and I am so embarrassed and feel like a fraud – its gotten so bad at times Ive cried (yes cried!!) whilst editing videos because I am ashamed of whats going on….now Im not stupid and I know how the body works and theres a lot more than meets the eye….and it never gets helped when trolls or people say stuff..(but in all fairness this has nothing to do with them but they do add to the issues)

I dont even know why I am sharing this but one thing I do know is that YOU NEVER know what someone is going through in their life…Im sharing it I suppose to say it isnt “alright” for us Fitness people because its our job..we are just human too, nor should we be pressured to look a certain way….there is no such thing as the 

”ideal”  body and having a fit looking body doesnt define who you are as a person or what you are capable of…I am good at my job, I know I am (without being conceted) BUT I am struggling with serious body image issues and low self esteem right now.
Here I am chatting pure shit that probably no1 wants to read or even cares about
Stop judging people who work in Fitness and expecting an “Ideal” because it doesnt exist

How you look doesnt define your worth in this world….but it can knock u sideways and make you hit rock bottom
I guess my point…be kind always, because behind a smile and a cheery face someone could be hurting so bad…so just dont be a prick ok??
It will always be 1000000% honesty in my posts and never Bullshit…I will always be open about my struggles in the hope I can bring comfort or help someone else…and if you’ve gotten this far reading this then I applaud you
As you were
Jen x

Br Proud of YOURSELF – small business owners this is for you

December 2nd        Uncategorized    No Comments

During my daily walk today…I done a bit of reflecting and wanted to share – if you have a small business this is especially for you.

I thought back to March and how when this whole lockdown malarky started and how I sh*t myself about my business…about how I was going to survive and I seriously wondered if I would lose my business all together….with a job that was 100% face2face what was I going to do.

Fast forward 8 months later I am still here and business is thriving….albeit in a totally different way than I ever thought and I couldn’t be more grateful…and day know what I couldn’t be prouder either….yes Ive worked my ass off for it BUT Ive made it work

So….my point? If you have a small business and you flipped it and made it work through lockdown, if like me you’ve worked your ass off and made your business work for you and survived all the lockdowns and craziness thats been happening then I just want to say “ BE PROUD OF YOURSELF”….YES, its OK that we are proud of ourselves and our achievements….so maybe tonight just take a BIG deep breath and be proud of all you’ve achieved – because if you business can survive 2020 lets be honest we can survive anything

Give yourself a big pat on the back…and smile

Jen x 

Crystals – where do You start?

November 16th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Do you see peoples Crystal Collections and just wonder ” where do I start”?

With so many crystals around and them becoming a lot more popular lately, it can be confusing to know what crystals are good to start with cant it?

I always say to go with crystals you are drawn to, or that present themselves to you in the strangest of ways…..if you are drawn to a crystal for whatever reason it may be… need that crystals healing energies in your life….

But what if you aren’t drawn and just want to know where to start??

Ive put together a little list of Crystals I feel are GREAT Starters and GREAT all rounders too.

Rose Quartz – connected to the heart Chakra and all about Love, Self love and compassion – its a light pink crystal.

Amethyst – a great all rounder and really helps with calming the mind and anxiety too – its purple in colour

Clear Quartz – this is the master healer and also amplifies the energies of any other crystals it is around…a great one for the crystal tool box

Citrine – the crystal of energy and abundance, also a great financial abundance crystal ( I keep a piece in my purse always) – its yellow in colour

Grab your start Crystal Pack from me for just £5!!!

Whilst there are 1000s of different crystals…these 4 are a great starter

They can be bought as a crystal, on a bracelet or keyring, necklace…..its just personal preference.

I really hope this has helped and if you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch

Also if you would like to purchase these crystals, you can also do so from myself – Grab your start Crystal Pack from me for just £5!!!

Love and Light

Jen x


November 16th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Drink plenty of fluids and herbal teas

As much as a good diet will help, sometimes you will need to add some supplements and here are the key ones for helping with PMS:
Vitamin E = helps with mood swings and irritability

Magnesium & B6 = VITAL mineral and women are often very deficient in it. It is a calming mineral and has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, reduces headaches and relaxes muscles.

Zinc = Balances sex hormones

Alternative Therapies can also be very helpful:
– Homeopathy
– Acupuncture
– Aromatherapy
– Reflexology 

PMS can be associated with increased Oestrogen, Food Cravings and water retention but by adjusting diet and lifestyle you can treat the underlying issues and not mask the symptoms.

Injuries and the Emotional Response

November 9th        Uncategorized    No Comments

 Injuries and how it can affect us Mentally…from when we are injured to the recovery/getting back into Fitness

Emotional responses to injury include sadness, feelings of isolation, irritation, lack of motivation, frustration, anger, alterations in appetite, sleep disturbance, and feeling disengaged.

Here are some things you can do to help whilst injured

  1. Set clear and realistic goals. 
  2. Visualise a healthy you. Don’t underestimate the power of visualisation. 
  3. Be optimistic.
  4. Focus on the present moment and what you can do – focus on the things you can control and dont worry about the things you cant
  5. Honour your feelings, its OK to feel different emotions but its important we honour them…writing them down also help – as does talking to someone
  6. Accept help and support. If you cant talk to your family and friends then please always message me, everything is in strictest confidence, Im always here if you ever need someone to talk to
  7. Take control – of what u can control

Getting Confidence back after Injury

  1. Don’t isolate yourself….speak to other girls or even me
  2. Visualise your recovery
  3. Maintain your self-esteem through other means, do other things that make you feel good and confident 
  4. Educate yourself about the injury, and seek out the advice of myself or others in the team
  5. Rebuild confidence gradually…it may take time but just keep doing something everyday
  6. Do not compare your post-injury self to your pre-injury self –  THIS IS MASSIVE!!! The body may have changed, as may fitness…dont try and go back to day 300…start day 1 now and build up, or you may end up a million steps behind

A final note

Injuries can be brutal. They take away our endorphins. They take away our outlet from the real world. They make us doubt ourselves. My take home message, above and beyond everything else, is do not let an injury shake your resolve or make you doubt who you are or make you question your sanity because that’s when an injury has become more than just a bodily menace… are always stronger than an injury and always reach out if you need to

Hope this has helped

Jen x

Lockdown 2.0

November 9th        Uncategorized    No Comments

During this Lockdown 2.0 I will be doing 2 FREE daily challenges and Id Love you to join me – I start MONDAY!

Over on Jen OneBody Fitness and Massage I will be posting daily Workout Routines


Over at Angel Therapies with Jen I will be posting daily tips to bring Joy to your days

Please head over and give the pages a like and get involved…comment, interact and share with all your friends

I am here to support you and your Physical and Mental Wellbeing during this Lockdown 2.0

Jen x


November 9th        Uncategorized    No Comments


When it comes to your Health and Fitness….YOU DO YOU

We are on this journey and its our OWN journey

Dont compare your journey to anyone else’s

Do the workouts that make you happy

Do the workouts that feel good

Eat the food that makes you happy

Eat the food that makes you feel good

Your day 1 is going to be different to someone else or their day 500


Dont concern yourself with what others are doing

Do it for YOU

Jen x

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