Jen Mercer
Bedtime Routine
Go for a Walk
Make Exercise Fun
Ideal Body….
Wanna know what the Ideal Body Type is??
I can let you into a secret of the Ideal Body Type
Thats it…thats the BIG Secret!
There is NO Ideal Body Type
You are never guna look like someone else
Your body will never be the same as the ones you see on “the gram” – tbh half of them dont even look like that themselves
There is NO such thing as an Ideal Body Type/Shape
There isnt…end of!!!
There is no way you SHOULD look
There are NO rules
There isnt a book that tells you all this
You look how you look
You feel how you feel
We are all different
We all look different
Isnt that what makes us unique??
Jen x
Post Lockdown Nutrition
Post Lockdown Nutrition (I hate the word diet but its what I mean)
As the Gyms start to open (as do a lot of other things) there may be a lot of thought around Fitness, Health and of course what you are consuming
My BIGGEST Tip is this……
That is simply the long and short of it……
If you are wanting to be healthy/lose weight – these diets and programs may sound very appealing (its called good marketing) But in the long run they wont help and after you’ve spent (or wasted) all that money and prob yeh lost weight (prob not fat)…then what??
If you are truly wanting to look after your Health, Wellbeing (or lose weight) then make sure you are focusing in what works for you.
One size doesnt fit all….focus on you
Here are my BIGGEST Tips for Post Lockdown Nutrition:
- Protein with every meal
- Stay Hydrated
- Plenty of Veggies with your meals
- Dont cut out carbs
- Healthy fats in the body are essential
- Fuel your body – especially if you are moving more
- Stay away from stupid fads
Oh and DONT take in-depth Nutritional Advice from someone who isnt a Dietician or Nutritionist
If I can help in anyway then please get in touch
Jen x
Post Lockdown Fitness
Post Lockdown Fitness
So with the gyms re-opening tomorrow (hopefully for good) please be kind to yourself and your body and dont go in trying to lift the same as you did back when you were going the gym on a regular basis.
Lets not compare this post lockdown fitness to before this all happened….maybe you’ve still been training at home but it may not be as intense as your regular gym sessions…or maybe you’ve not done a thing (and thats OK by the way)…what you cant do is fly into the gym trying to do what you done before
At the same time we need to not beat ourselves up or get annoyed because we may have lost fitness/strength/stamina…yes its probably going to have happened – but so what?? Its really not the end of the world – you can get back there
Here are my TOP TIPS for Post Lockdown Fitness:
- Start Steady and Slow
- Take your rest days
- Listen to your body
- Stay Hydrated
- Fuel your Body
- Dont try and do the same intensity sessions as before
- Dont worry what anyone else is doing – stay in your own lane
- Be Kind to your body and your mind
- Scale back the weights
- Dont forget mobility and post workout warm down
Please dont beat yourself up for any lack of Fitness over the past 12+ months during this lockdown time…..this iOS something we have never experienced before and if you have gotten through it, are safe and alive then thats all that matters….your Fitness levels will come back and you can do it again
Getting out for a walk everyday can have massive positive benefits to how you feel and your stress levels
(and not just your physical body)
In stressful situations (whether this be at home or at work) taking yourself away from the situation and going for a walk can be one of the best things you can do – its a great way to destress and connect back to yourself
Surround yourself with Nature and Fresh Air and I promise you will come back feeling so much better
Walking and being in Nature is one of my favourite things to do and its my go-to tool when I feel stressed or anxious or just a bit out of sorts
Why not give it a go
Jen x
Exercise and Stress
Exercise and Stress
Even though Exercise is amazing for both Physical and Mental health….It is in itself a “Stressor”
It is amazing and the benefits are endless BUT sometimes it can be an added stress to the body
Remember when you exercise you are putting your body under stress on a physical level and it always what the body needs/wants
Its OK to have a rest from exercise and remove that stressor from the body and focus on other aspects
Know when its a Good Stress or when its actually causing you un-due Stress
Jen x
Stress and Nutrition
Stress and Nutrition
We complicate it so much down we?
At the end of the day we just need to enjoy food that is good for our Body, Mind and Soul
Eat food that fuels our body and makes us feel good
Eat food that suits our lifestyle
Dont add more pressure and stress to your body and mind when it comes to Nutrition
Food really can have a massive impact on how we feel on a Physical and Mental level…so choose wisely but dont be putting so much pressure on it
Jen x