Jen Mercer
My Biggest TOP for January….
January Feels
Do you like podcasts?
Are u into Health & Fitness?
Sick of all the bullshit?
Why not give my Podcast a go….its on Apple, Amazon, Spotify, Google and also here:-
I keep it real and it may help you
Share away ❤️ ????
Autumn Equinox
Autumn Equinox
Autumn Equinox represents a lot in the world of woo. It is the equilibrium of day and night and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a season of transition.
The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is a beautiful time to reset and honor yourself and all that you have done these past few months.
The Autumn Equinox is here to prove that your emotional work was for a great cause.
The season of Autumn is here to slow things down and lead you to what you need.
This is a time of HARVEST.
Things are slowing down. The leaves are changing colors and trees are shedding what they no longer need.
The same is happening for you. You’re changing and releasing things you no longer need as you progress into the end of the year
Harvest the energy of you.
Crystals you need to celebrate Mabon:
- Topaz
- Amber
- Aventurine
- Lapis Lazuli
Put your crystals around you and journal on what you are finally releasing.
Jen x
Morning Routine
Bedtime Routine
Go for a Walk
Make Exercise Fun
Ideal Body….
Wanna know what the Ideal Body Type is??
I can let you into a secret of the Ideal Body Type
Thats it…thats the BIG Secret!
There is NO Ideal Body Type
You are never guna look like someone else
Your body will never be the same as the ones you see on “the gram” – tbh half of them dont even look like that themselves
There is NO such thing as an Ideal Body Type/Shape
There isnt…end of!!!
There is no way you SHOULD look
There are NO rules
There isnt a book that tells you all this
You look how you look
You feel how you feel
We are all different
We all look different
Isnt that what makes us unique??
Jen x