Jen Mercer

What do I really do??

March 22nd        Uncategorized    No Comments

I quite often get asked what I do in between teaching my classes or training clients – I think sometimes people think I sit and watch daytime tele …so I thought I’d give u an insight into what my days sometimes consist of:

My Own Training – Gym or Yoga

Mon – Wed Classes (2-4 a day) 

Thurs – Sat Massage and Holistics Clients 

Moon Gazing – obv

Eating – obv!
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Posts
Planning and Writing Class Routines
Researching and then writing articles
Looking for new ideas for classes (constantly) online
Sort insurances/Music Licences
Sort and find new music for classes
Answering FB Messages and Emails
Promoting my services
My own Personal Development
Studying for my Level 5 and more

Filming Videos for Youtube and Insta

Researching new Massage techniques and ways to help clients

Booking onto and attending CPD Courses

Watching Seminars online

and there is so much more

You see I do EVERYTHING myself…I dont have an accountant, admin person, social media assistant, someone who answers my email…..and when I go to classes…the routines dont just pop into my head…I plan and prepare everything

You see all this stuff Ive just mentioned all goes on behind the scenes and its the stuff I DONT get paid for (financially)….Its what i do to make my business bigger and better, its what I do to move me forward both as a person and as a business….I do it because I love my little business…..but dont be fooled its hard graft – but no-one ever see’s this side of things

So if you ever think “oh its easy for u – you just teach a few classes and thats it” – you are sooo wrong, Im am not just a class Instructor or a personal trainer…..I am a business woman who runs a small but successful Health and Fitness and I am always striving to move it forward and make it work for me.

I am so happy YOU are part of my Journey and Business and have helped to be part of its ongoing success and for that I am grateful

Jen xxx

Are you staying Hydrated?

March 22nd        Uncategorized    No Comments

Whilst is is “always” important to stay hydrated its especially important when exercising

Water can be boring? Anyone else agree…I dont really like plain water, but at the same time I wouldn’t ever drink flavoured water… I make my own and I’m wanted to share some little tips with you today.

Not only can these help you with your water intake, they are refreshing, can energise the body and are great for the skin – Oh and they taste YUMMY!!!

Next time you have some water try adding these in, when Im at home Ill make a big jug and keep in freezer and when i am out and about teaching I like to  add to my water bottle.

These can all be added individually – or if you are feeling a little wild them mix em up….like a cocktail but without the alcohol and hangover haha.

Even if you are drinking alcohol have some water with your drinks too to stay hydrated and prevent any nasty hangovers.

I love adding these to my water:

  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Fresh Ginger
  • Cucumber
  • Mint leaves
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • A pinch of Himalayan Salt 

And as I said you can also mix these up…like cucumber and lemon are lovely together and lime and mint is delicious

Stay hydrated but without the sugar laden crap!!

Jen x

Taking Time Out

March 22nd        Uncategorized    No Comments

You may (or may not) have noticed Ive been quiet on Social Media lately….most of you probably haven’t even realised but Ive had quite a few messages off people wondering where I am

Im still here…..but Im going to be brutally honest, Im going through some shit at the minute….Im feeling overwhelmed and a little lost and I can’t just post for the sake of posting….I like things to have meaning and then last week I got injured and really sick all in 1 week and I have taken this as a sign from the universe that something needs to change and I need to slow down

Im just not sure where Im meant to be anymore or if this is even all for me is about as clear as I can be

I love what I do

I love my businesses

But something doesn’t feel right

Im in a darkish place, feeling overwhelmed, a little stressed and have a lot of doubt and worry flying around my head

So if Im not posting, its not because I dont care,…its quite the opposite..I CARE TOO MUCH, so that’s why I cant just post random stuff that has no depth/meaning

Why am I saying this?? 

Because this is REAL LIFE….this is owning a business, this is being a girl boss and this is being someone who puts 110% into everything but often feels I am stuck

This is the side no1 see’s – the side that no1 else shares on Social media…because hey god forbid we actually admit we are struggling?? Oh no lets just carry on saying “I’m Fine” – well Im sorry but Im done with that Bullshit

Everything is running as normal up to now…but I may need to take some time out

Love and Light and Healthy Vibes always

If anyone else is feeling this way –  know its OK…we are human, we can smile and still be having a shitty time…I am here for anyone – anytime….but I also need to remember to be there for myself too

Jen x

Self Care Tip – Instagram

February 21st        Uncategorized    No Comments

Quick Self Care Tip

OK So we all follow people on Social Media….and whilst we may follow to initially admire them, a lot of them time we then start to see them in a different light…..we no longer admire them and look up to them, we start to become jealous. Jealous of what they have that we dont, jealous of how they look and jealous of their body’s/lifestyle.

This will then eat away at us, causing us to become miserable, hate on ourselves and spend all our time constantly stalking them and watching everything they do. We start to compare ourselves to others, negative though patterns come in and our self esteem goes down.

Why do we do it to ourselves? In all honesty, we dont even realize we do it…we just suddenly become negative and hating on ourselves and its hard to find out why.

My point??

If you feel this way about anyone – whether its family/friends/celeb/influencer….anything like that then you gotta unfollow – this isn’t being nasty – this is essential for your own wellbeing and your own mental state

STOP Following someone who makes you feel less about yourself, who makes your debut who you truely are and makes you constantly put yourself down…OK they may not “personally” be doing it but subconsciously you are being affected

Step back and look at who you follow, be aware of your thoughts when you watch their stuff and unfollow…until you have gained your confidence back

You are amazing and dont deserve to be getting dragged down

This is the day of Social Media and we cant escape it, but you can protect yourself and your mental state

Jen x

Sleep….are you getting enough?

February 21st        Uncategorized    No Comments

World Sleep Day…..but how important is sleep?

Sleep and the Effects on your Health

We spend a third of our lives doing it.

We have to sleep because it is essential to maintaining normal levels of cognitive skills such as speech, memory, innovative and flexible thinking. In other words, sleep plays a significant role in brain development.

Lack of sleep has serious effects on our brain’s ability to function. If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter, you’ll be familiar with the following after-effects: grumpiness, grogginess, irritability and forgetfulness. After just one night without sleep, concentration becomes more difficult and attention span shortens considerably.

With continued lack of sufficient sleep, the part of the brain that controls language, memory, planning and sense of time is severely affected, practically shutting down. In fact, 17 hours of sustained wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.05% (two glasses of wine). This is the legal drink driving limit in the UK….WOW!!! (BBC Health) 

Its a well known fact that now-a-days we just don’t seem to get enough sleep.

All I ever seem to hear is “im soo tired” and “ I got no sleep last night” and the amount of peoples status’s on facebook say it all! Everyone seems to be TIRED……needless to say MOST people will of probably have spent half the night on bloody facebook doing F all!!

Lack of sleep can seriously stop any weight loss and not only that it can have an overall effect on you Health and Wellbeing. You end up surviving on “Caffeine” and other stimulants, believing that they will truly work.
Most of the time you will wake up feeling rough as toast and wishing that bloody alarm hadn’t gone off….and guess what this then puts you in a BAD MOOD for the rest of your day….or well at least until u get your caffeine fix!

Sleep is FABULOUS….I think its the best invention ever…god bless u Sleep Creator! Sleep helps the body to recover, rest and repair. Also during sleep, the Growth Hormone increase, this is a hormone that is essential for Fat Loss and Health…….something to think about hey!

There are lots of things that can effect sleep:

  • Caffeine – this helps raise cortisol levels, increase any awakenings and also puts you into “Sleep Debt” … its keeping you alert.
  • Any form of Processed Food(especially if you have it as your “last” meal before bed)…seriously Pizza at 10pm…is a recipe for insomnia. Its full of those dreaded E-Numbers
  • LAPTOPS and TV before bed…come on, I know this has hit a nerve how many of us stay up late watching TV or on facebook etc? 
  • Alcohol! Now I know when you’ve had a few sometimes you can fall asleep straight away, but it will only increase your awakenings through the night , as cortisol levels are raised.
  • Some prescription Drugs (although this is a case for the medical profession) esp Anti Depressants
  • STRESS (see related article)

So what can you do to combat this –its Simples (in my best meerkat voice):

  • DONT watch the TV or be on the LAPTOP before bed….you need to unwind in bed. Turn it all off 1 hr before bed
  • Take Magnesium –  a lot of women are actually deficient in Magnesium  (see related article)
  • Just bin the caffeine and stimulant related stuff….seriously coffee before bed?? (adenosine is one of the chemicals thought to accumulate during wakefulness,  and caffeine inhibits the actions of this, therefore keeping  you awake!)
  • Read before bed, but make sure its NOT something work/study related. Try something easy and simple….a book that doesn’t require the use of your brain
  • TULSI TEA!! Mmmmmm
  • Look at your Bedroom environment (lighting, TV, comfort)
  • Get a “pre-sleep routine” avoid any stressful activities before be, as this causes the body to release cortisol, which will increase alertness. Do you take problems to bed with you? (an no I don’t mean your partner) the write them down and deal with them tomorrow.
  • Look at your last meal…was it clean? Or was it full of processed sh*t and sugar?

My Story….

January 3rd        Uncategorized    No Comments

My Story

So I wanted to share the story of OneBody Fitness… is into its 9th year now and I wanted to just tell the story of how it all started.

I qualified in Fitness back in 2004 and worked as a PT firstly, I then moved abroad and worked in a  gym in Greece in 2005 which was a great experience. I have worked in various gyms as an instructor and worked my way up to management in 2 jobs. I qualified for teaching Classes in 2006 and then Sports Massage in 2008…..Ive continually added to my qualifications buy attending courses and seminars every year and I spend a lot of my free time researching, reading and writing articles like this.

Before I started out on my own I worked as the Senior Fitness Instructor at Lifestyles Picton….I learnt a LOT during my years there…..from management of myself and others to just general life skills and I will ALWAYS be grateful to Liverpool City Council for all the opportunities that I had there….but I knew in 2010 that I wanted greater things.

At the start of 2010 I had typed up my resignation (I wasn’t happy at all…..and I was stressed and just a mess basically) and it sat in my glove box in my car for months and months and then 1 day I pulled up for my early shift and thought “NO I cant do this anymore” and I dated the letter and walked in and handed it to my manager… was a shock, so as much as Id thought about working for myself, I now had 6 weeks to get my sh*t together and get my business started

So fast forward to Sept 2010 and I had my last day at the job, now I had of course thought about my business…but WOW it was really happening now. During the time when I handed my notice in I worked my ass off….as well as my 37.5hr a week job I was teaching extra classes and early morning bootcamps and working late nights and weekends to set everything up.

Not long after leaving my long term relationship of 7 years ended, I know the job had a BIG part to play in it and I was devastated – heartbroken to be exact…but it was my business that got me through it because I had a focus and a purpose and a distraction!!!!

During the past 7 years its been a mix. A real challenge……long working days/7 days a week….times when I thought I wanted to give up….and years without a holiday, Ive tried lots of different things….things have failed and some had succeeded, Ive met hundreds of amazing people and got to be a part of peoples lives. Ive taught different classes at lots of different venues, trains clients, sports massage. There has been days where I dont know if this is for me anymore and days when I am so utterly grateful for what I have and what I have built…..the latter more often.

Id say the first few years where the hardest….because everything was built from scratch – and everything was done by me, so I had to start from the bottom and implement all my ideas and work stuff. The website/emails and everything else is all me… yes Id say the first few years I worked my ass off…not to say I dont now because I do, but now I have a framework for most things, Ive learnt from my mistakes (and I still am learning) and Ive grown as a person and as a business… 9 years on I still work hard, but I now have a base and I am established and I am a lot more open to what I want….so its definitely been a learning curve

I am so grateful for what I have and I Love my little business and I am not ashamed to say I am proud of myself and proud of what I have achieved and how far OneBody Fitness has come in the past 7 years

I absolutely LOVE my business and I dont see it as work, thats probably why I sometimes spend my Sat Nights in working. There is so much more than what you SEE…the “Behind the Scenes Stuff”…but thats another article.

In 2017 my Business changed a little and I have added a more Holistic approach to how I work. I believe in the body as a whole…..physical, emotional and mental body – they all come together and we need to make sure they are all in-tune with each other.

I no longer do Personal Training, but I am still involved in Fitness…through my classes, Online Programs and my 100s of youtube videos.

Fitness is my passion….and now I can add my other passion of all this Holistics and Happiness into it.

I offer a wide range of Massage and Holistic Therapies alongside all the Fitness

I believe we all deserve to live the happiest and healthiest life we can, and I am here to guide, inspire and support YOU on your journey.

In 2018 I began to express my more Healing and Spiritual Side and I couldn’t be happier…..this has always been my calling but I knew 2018 was the right year to throw this out to the world. I work with Angels, Crystals and Healing to help bring more peace and harmony into peoples lives

I offer Reiki and Crystal Healing…alongside making Reiki Charged Crystal jewellery to bring more magic into peoples lives

I would like to end by saying I am so grateful to each and every person who comes or has ever come to my classes/trained with me etc…..I love each and everyone of you and your energy is infectious and keeps me doing what I LOVE

I wouldn’t change it for the world and I wouldn’t change the past 9 years because all of the experiences have got me to where I am now (good or bad) and even though my path has slightly changed…I am still so passionate about everything that I do

Here’s to many more years….I cant wait to inspire and help more people <3

So thats the story (in a nutshell) of OneBody Fitness and Holistics 

Jen x


January 2nd        Uncategorized    No Comments

At the beginning of a new year, we usually focus what we are giving up – sugar, alcohol, takeaways, bad habits

However, what happens if you focus on what you really want instead of what you dont want?…staying in the positive as opposed to negative 

So I ask you, in 2019 what are you saying YES to?

It could be more cash, more success, more meaningful relationships, more FUN, more exercises more healthiness

When you focus on on what you DO want rather than what you DONT want….your thought processes change and its like you are telling the universe…IM READY!!!

Thoughts become things (well Buddha said anyways)…so whatever you think of thats what you attract, so think more of what YOU DO want…and that’s what you’ll attract, I dare you to give it a go 😉

The thing is, when it comes to our dreams we often have a list of no-nos, like if we are wanting to lose weight we say “no weight gain, no laziness” or when we want to find a relationship we say “no losers, no cheaters” but we often don’t think of our yes-yess…. so this means that are attention and focus is more on what we don’t want than what we do want.

So What are YOU saying YES to this year???

Let me know, lets share ur positivities and make 2019 the year we LOVE OUR BODIES and give them what they deserve 

YOU ARE WORTH IT (Whether you lose L’Oréal or not haha)

I believe in YOU

Jen x

Christmas Stressing you out??

December 23rd        Uncategorized    No Comments

Christmas is upon us and whilst it should be a magical time of year, simply the most wonderful time of year to be exact……for some of us it ends up being a little stressful at times….worrying over the perfect present or worrying whether everything will go to plan, we quite often lose the real meaning.

For me Christmas is all about the magic, about family and being able to take some time out of a busy lifestyle and spend time with the ones you love…yes its always nice to give and receive pressies….but thats not the point is it??

Christmas should be a time of magic, fun, smiles and love….but some of us get a little stressed out.

Here are my TOP TIPS to staying stress free this Christmas:
* Don’t worry about the ££
* Be grateful for all you have
* Meditate – even is just for 5 mins
* Spend “time” with people – not just “money”
* Experiences over Presents
* Its ok to say NO….if you are feeling overwhelmed just say no
* Take time for yourself
* Stay Hydrated
* Get good sleep
* Smile….and pass it on

Enjoy Christmas the right way
Don’t go into debt trying to impress people
Give your time freely

Show those who you love….how much you love them by being present
Merry Christmas

Jen x

Wellness Shots for Winter

December 7th        Uncategorized    No Comments

I started making these about a year ago now, after reading up on juicing and also on the benefits of making these little shots. The are perfect for adding the good stuff into the body but they also help ward off nasty colds and flus……yes they are amazing

I LOVE Ginger so I add loads…but again personal preference

I juice it all together and also add Apples and the pour it into little plastic shot glasses and freeze – and take 1 out every night for the next day


  • I have Loose Leaf Tea, Fresh ginger and add to cooking, smoothies and juices
  • Has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain
  • Contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols.
  • Gingerols, the main active components in ginger and the ones responsible for its distinctive flavour, may also inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells.
  • Ginger extracts have been shown to have both antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour effects on cells.
  • Warming on a cold day and can help promote healthy sweating, which is often helpful during colds and flus. A good sweat may do a lot more than simply assist detoxification.
  • Very effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially seasickness
  • Anti-vomiting action has been shown to be very useful in reducing the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
    Ginger has been shown to be effective against exercise-induced muscle pain
    Ginger appears to be very effective against menstrual pain when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period.
  • This is strong in colour and flavour and I don’t add much, but I sprinkle on scrambled egg, steamed veggies, add to smoothies and juices!!
  • Long been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine
  • Significant anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of experimental models. Even more potent than its volatile oil is the yellow or orange pigment of turmeric, which is called curcumin and it produces no toxicity.
  • Has powerful antioxidant & Inflammatory effects.
  • It’s combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects explains why many people with joint disease find relief when they use the spice regularly
  • Antioxidant actions enable it to protect the colon cells from free radicals that can damage cellular DNA
  • Helps the body to destroy mutated cancer cells, so they cannot spread through the body and cause more harm. A primary way in which curcumin does so is by enhancing liver function.
  • Amazing effects of turmeric on the liver’s ability to detoxify
  • Good source of vitamin B6
  • Cholesterol-lowering effects are the result of the curry spice’s active constituent, curcumin,
  • Growing evidence suggests that turmeric may afford protection against neurodegenerative diseases.


  • Lemons are alkalizing for the body: Lemons are acidic to begin with but they are alkaline-forming on body fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH.
  • Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work against infections like the flu and colds.
  • Your liver loves lemons: “The lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile,”.Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifier.
  • Cleans your bowels: Lemons increase peristalsis in the bowels, helping to create a bowel movement thus eliminating waste and helping with regularity. Add the juice of one lemon to warm water and drink first thing in the morning.
  • Vitamin C in lemons helps to neutralise free radicals linked to ageing and most types of disease.
  • Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including naturally occurring limonene; oil which slows or halts the growth of cancer tumours in animals and flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.
  • Support Heart Health. Lemons are a good source of vitamin C. One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C, which is 51% of your recommended daily intake (RDI). Research has shown that eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Soothes Toothache
  • Helps reduce weight – lemons contain pectin – a type of fibre that helps you feel fuller longer
  • Aids in digestion and detoxification
  • Antioxidants in Lemons fight free radicals and helps smooth out the skin
  • Boosts energy and need for the coffee and then the caffeine crash.
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