Jen Mercer

Do you have an Evening Routine?

September 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

A good evening routine can really help with getting some good quality sleep and rest!

Do you have any evening routine?

I love turning my phone off and even having it outside the room….Ive gone old school and bought an alarm clock. I also write down anything that needs doing the next day and then I feel like it has left my headspace

Jen x

Mobility…do you do it??

September 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Mobility….whats it all about??

Do you do any mobility work before you train? Or do you just jump straight in?

Mobility work pre-workout can prepare your body and help you get the most out of your workout….whether that’s weights workout or a run.

Check out my fav mobility moves I do before I train

Just pick the ones that suit you

Jen x

Men and Fitness Classes

September 15th        Uncategorized    No Comments

Men and Classes

This isn’t meant to be a sexist post in anyway and I am grateful for everyone who comes to my classes BUT in 15 years of teaching I have to say the past 12-18mths for me has seen a BIG increase in the amount of men attending classes.

I do think at 1 point classes were seen as “for girls” or even seen as “too easy” and Id say 95% of my classes were just full of women…but I have seen a increase over the past few years of the amount of men coming to classes and for them I suppose its stepping outside their comfort zone – especially when its a room full of women.

Especially the likes of Yoga….the amount of Men attending Yoga and Pilates has grown too and its great more people are seeing the benefits 

Classes are for everyone (unless stated otherwise) and just THANK YOU to the men who come along and continue to

I appreciate you just as much as I do my girls

Jen x

FREE Workouts anyone??

August 31st        Uncategorized    No Comments

Fancy some FREE Workouts or Workout Inspo….stuff you can do at home and also add into your gym workouts??

Head over to my Youtube Channel….and check out the 100s of FREE videos I have on there…They include:
* Body Conditioning
* Yoga
* Pilates
* Stretches
* Mobility

Tons of FREE Stuff on there…so go check it out

Wanna see something else?? Let me know and Ill happily film some new stuff

Jen x


Detoxing…does it work??

August 31st        Uncategorized    No Comments


All these Juice/Tea/Shake and Pill detoxes….we all know they are Bullshit right??

Another money making scheme?

Do we all get this?

Detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health

Did you know the body can actually “detox” itself…..Yes I know….its crazy right?? The body is that amazing bit has its own detoxification systems that DOESNT NEED all this shit?

When we Detox we cleanse the blood…This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination.

The body is truly amazing….it has its own self-cleansing mechanisms that all work together as a team to clean it from the inside out.
The digestive tract eliminates stool.
The kidneys eliminate urine.
Skin eliminates sweat and the lungs/respiratory tract expel carbon dioxide and mucus.
Lymph nodes eliminate allergens, viruses and bacteria.
The Liver has the largest responsibility of all: When a harmful toxin comes through, it chemically transforms it so that one of the other eliminative organs can excrete it.

Nearly all of the time of amazing body will eliminate everything for you that efficiently you don’t even have to think about all the hard work it’s doing until it begins to strain under the heavy workload. There is a natural law of the body that most people break, then wonder why illness sets in.

Our bodies are clever beyond belief, but often we’re not. If we don’t feed our bodies high quality, nutritious foods, our organs, which essentially act as filters, will get clogged up with toxic debris.
The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin

We don’t need to waste money on all these “detox” programs

Jen x

1 life….

August 31st        Uncategorized    No Comments

This quote kind of says it all tbh….but it really hits home for me

We have this 1 life….so why do we waste it?? OK at the time we dont think this way….but we need to STOP

STOP apologising, conforming and just STOP worrying…Im terrible for worrying but this really hit home for me

1 life is all we get…how do we want it to be?

I want to live the happiest life I can…whos with me??

Jen x

What do you pay for?

July 3rd        Uncategorized    No Comments

You dont pay for the 30/45/60 mins you are with me
You dont pay just for the treatment/class/service
You dont pay for my “time”

You pay for:-
* My Experience
* My Years of training
* My constant CPD
* My knowledge and Expertise
* My compassion
* The aftercare

The price you pay is for everything not just the time you spend with me

I charge based on how I value myself and what I offer…not based just on the time I am with a client or teaching a class

There is so much more to what you get than just the time spent with me

You pay for a unique service by someone who cares and absolutely has a passion for what they do

Jen x

Sports Massage – did you know?

June 21st        Uncategorized    No Comments

Sports Massage….did you know its actually not mean to “hurt”…there are so many misconceptions when it comes to sports massage and I just wanted to do this little post about it

Sports Massage is generally a deeper pressure style massage…which may cause some discomfort and may seem a little painful BUT it should never get to the point where you are in agony, it should never cause more damage to the body and leave you feeling in a lot of pain.

During and following the massage it may be uncomfortable and there may be some aches and tender points, but this certainly shouldn’t leave you feeling ill or in so much pain you cannot move……actually going “too” deep on certain parts of the body can cause further damage to soft tissue.

Bruising can happen….but this is an individual thing and will depend on how easily you bruise.

Always make sure your therapist is fully qualified in the treatment you are looking for.

Dont be scared of Sports Massage…as all massage treatments no matter what they are should be tailored to the individual

Jen x

And suddenly….it all changes

June 21st        Uncategorized    No Comments

A few months back I posted about how shitty Id been feeling, how lost Id felt and how just downright sad I felt inside…I didn’t do it for sympathy I did it to the “real” and to hopefully let someone else know they aren’t alone.

Fast forward to today and I couldn’t feel any different if I tried…..I just feel happy….why?? Because I stopped…I stepped back, I took my foot off the gas and I prioritised myself and my feelings, I allowed them to come to the surface and I allowed myself to feel them and then deal with them. I had Reiki to clear my Chakras, I meditated, I went on walks and connected with nature and the best thing Is topped being so hard on myself…I stopped trying to change the past and I stopped worrying about the future…I stated too just live for the NOW….for the day ahead of me and whatever the universe had to offer me.

I feel at peace, happy (as I can be) and content… its all just flowing

I started to appreciate my body and start loving myself a bit more….I had good sleep, Ive spent time with good people and Ive removed myself from negative situations and just started to say YES to things I wanly and NO to things I dont…and its working.

Yes Life isn’t perfect, I can’t predict the future and I dont know what tomorrow will bring, but what I do know is I am worthy of Happiness and Love and I will start with myself and start just being present

The old feelings may come back but I know I can deal with it, accept it and then move forward

This may sound daft to some, but if you are in a dark place (and trust me I was)……step back, take ur foot off the gas and just allow urself to be….and miracles will happen

I hope you are in a good place but if you’re not…Im here for you anytime

Jen x

Summer Solstice

June 21st        Uncategorized    No Comments

Summer Solstice – “Litha”

Is all about Abundance, Growth, Love and Magic

Abundance can be found everywhere. Time to focus on the light and there is an air of Masculine energy

No matter how necessary and valuable the dark times of the year, the reaping and the resting, there is that in human beings which rejoices in the long sweet light of summer.

The magic of the Wheel of the Year is that it is symbolic of the journey of the human soul.
As the Earth moves through the seasons, it reminds us of our deeper purpose in incarnating… what we are really here for, and what our full potential is.
The Sun is and always has been symbolic of the highest Divinity. It is at this height of summer at solstice when the Sun’s power reaches its zenith.

Get outside and enjoy this Sun and feel the heal and love of the sunshine. Watch the Sunset if you can

Crystals to work with: Amber, Tigers Eye, Emerald and Jade

The summer solstice, otherwise known as the longest day of the year, is here, marking the return of brighter evenings, festivals, picnics and barbecues. 

The name “solstice” comes from the fact that the Sun appears to stand still.
The term is derived from the Latin words sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still).
It appears that way because the Sun’s relative position in the sky at noon does not appear to change much during the solstice and its surrounding days.

Midsummer or the Summer Solstice is the most powerful day of the year for the Sun God. Because this Sabbat glorifies the Sun God and the Sun, fire plays a very prominent role in this festival. The element of Fire is the most easily seen and immediately felt element of transformation. It can burn, consume, cook, shed light or purify and balefires still figure prominently at modern Midsummer rites.

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