Christmas Stress
Christmas is upon us and whilst it should be a magical time of year, simply the most wonderful time of year to be exact……for some of us it ends up being a little stressful at times….worrying over the perfect present or worrying whether everything will go to plan, we quite often lose the real meaning.
For me Christmas is all about the magic, about family and being able to take some time out of a busy lifestyle and spend time with the ones you love…yes its always nice to give and receive pressies….but thats not the point is it??
Christmas should be a time of magic, fun, smiles and love….but some of us get a little stressed out. Here are my TOP TIPS to staying stress free this Christmas:
* Don’t worry about the ££
* Be grateful for all you have
* Meditate – even is just for 5 mins
* Spend “time” with people – not just “money”
* Experiences over Presents
* Its ok to say NO….if you are feeling overwhelmed just say no
* Take time for yourself
* Stay Hydrated
* Get good sleep
* Smile….and pass it on
Enjoy Christmas the right way Don’t go into debt trying to impress people Give your time freely Show those who you love….how much you love them by being present
Merry Christmas
Jen x
Massage for the Winter Blues
As winter comes in…the days are getting darker and colder and sometimes our Immune system get low and isnt as strong as normal. Busy hectic days, Christmas parties and stressing about the Christmas Shopping can play havoc on both the physical and emotional body and can be a real strain on the Immune System.
Did you know Massage can help improve your immune system, increase circulation and create warmth within the body…whilst also helping you destress and keep chilled during this hectic time of year When you get. Massage you get decreased levels of cortisol (stress hormones) and can also help the body have lower levels of cytokines, which play a role in inflammation within the body.
Regular massages can increase the number of lymphocytes (white blood cells) – which play a large role in defending the body against disease Massage will so stimulate the circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems – creating a overall well-being within the body
So not only will you feel physically better after a massage you can also be doing good things for your health and your wellbeing Why not book in this Winter
Jen x
Reiki in the Winter
Reiki in the Winter Suffer from he Winter Blues? Feeling Tired and Run Down? During the winter it is common for us to feel run down, energy levels are lower and we can have a wave of sadness come over us….plus add that to the cold and darker days….it can sometimes make us feel all out of sorts Did you know Reiki can help with the Winter Blues? As the days get shorten….your mood may start to darken and energy levels can decrease an you can suddenly feel like you are all out of balance and not quite feeling yourself. Lack of sunlight can lead to blockages in our energy….Reiki can help kick start the flow of energy and release any blockages…creating peace and harmony within the body. Reiki channels the universal energy that exists all around us and after a Reiki session it can feel like you have recharged your batteries and created your own sunshine inside Reiki can also help strengthen your body and help boost your immune system – which can help us be less likely to succumb to colds and flus…relieving symptoms of head colds and block sinuses. Perfect for any Winter Blues Message to book your appointment & you will receive a FREE Crystal to take home (offer applies to December only) Jen x
Its NOT just for Christmas
Happy November
Now it would be so easy for me to start saying the usual about the LBD and looking hot in the Christmas Parties……and that’s all well, but isn’t it more important to have this fabulous feeling all year round and to feel good from the inside out?
We all know as the Christmas Parties and Nights outs approach we do our best to…well look our best, we diet (some of us try silly quick fix remedies) and exercise and go in search for that Perfect Dress/Outfit….but why don’t we have this approach all year round.
We should always be striving to be our best and treat everyday as a special day, starting from the inside out….what if everyday we acted like it was a big night out, and we kept this motivation and momentum going all year round. If this happened there would be no need for Strict Crash Diets and Excessive Exercise regimes.
By starving the body, doing these faddy crash diets and undertaking excessive exercise (and I am talking extreme here) you are not actually doing the body any good in the long run….by doing this you can damage organs and seriously impact on your hormones….which let me tell you now isn’t good (but that’s another rant ha)
Make it a lifestyle change and make it something you can sustain and will keep you healthy, yeh sure doing it this way may taken longer but it’ll last longer, wont impact your health and will leave you feeling amazing.
So next time you start thinking about that LBD or Christmas Party……start earlier in the year and keep it going!!DON’T stress about it…..because believe it or not this wont help with any weight loss at all.
Make a lifestyle change….make it last
If you need any help with Fitness, Nutrition, Coaching, Motivation,….I am an email/phonecall or txt away
Jen x
Crystals …..where to start??
Good Morning
Do you see peoples Crystal Collections and just wonder ” where do I start”?
With so many crystals around and them becoming a lot more popular lately, it can be confusing to know what crystals are good to start with cant it?
I always say to go with crystals you are drawn to, or that present themselves to you in the strangest of ways…..if you are drawn to a crystal for whatever reason it may be… need that crystals healing energies in your life….
But what if you aren’t drawn and just want to know where to start??
Ive put together a little list of Crystals I feel are GREAT Starters and GREAT all rounders too.
Rose Quartz – connected to the heart Chakra and all about Love, Self love and compassion – its a light pink crystal.
Amethyst – a great all rounder and really helps with calming the mind and anxiety too – its purple in colour
Clear Quartz – this is the master healer and also amplifies the energies of any other crystals it is around…a great one for the crystal tool box
Citrine – the crystal of energy and abundance, also a great financial abundance crystal ( I keep a piece in my purse always) – its yellow in colour
Whilst there are 1000s of different crystals…these 4 are a great starter
They can be bought as a crystal, on a bracelet or keyring, necklace…..its just personal preference.
I really hope this has helped and if you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch
Also if you would like to purchase these crystals, you can also do so from myself.
Love and Light
Jen x
Christmas Class Timetable

Winter Nutrition
Some of my TOP TIPS to Stay Healthy this Winter

FREE Christmas Challenges
I am running 2 FREE challenges in December
1 is exclusive to Facebook and the other is exclusive to Instagram
FACEBOOK CHALLENGE: 7 Days Pre-Christmas Body Blast
Starst Mon 9th December
7 Mini Workouts
Click HERE to join:
Starts Sun 1st December
12 Exercises
Day 1 = 1 rep – all the way to Day 12 = 12 reps
Daily Posts
Video to follow
Follow: Jenonebodyfitnessandmassage to join us
Both Challenges are FREE and are designed to help motivate and inspire you during the Festive Period
Links to both are above
Share, Share, Share
Lets get motivated and moving during December
Ho Ho Ho
Jen x
1 Life!
This quote kind of says it all tbh….but it really hits home for me
We have this 1 life….so why do we waste it?? OK at the time we dont think this way….but we need to STOP
STOP apologising, conforming and just STOP worrying…Im terrible for worrying but this really hit home for me
1 life is all we get…how do we want it to be?
I want to live the happiest life I can…whos with me??
Jen x
Want some FREE Workouts????
Fancy some FREE Workouts or Workout Inspo….stuff you can do at home and also add into your gym workouts??
Head over to my Youtube Channel….and check out the 100s of FREE videos I have on there…They include:
- Body Conditioning
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Stretches
- Mobility
Tons of FREE Stuff on there…so go check it out
Wanna see something else?? Let me know and Ill happily film some new stuff
Jen x