FREE For Jan – come join me
Come and join me for FREE in January
It’s often a time we make all these resolutions and vow to make all the changes and then we get stuck either in a rut, lack motivation or just dont know where to start
Come and join me FREE 30 Day motivational group (LINK BELOW)and surrounded yourself with like minded people and get the support and motivation you need.
The group runs from 2nd-31st Jan and is FREE. It will include:
* Weekly Workout Videos
* Weekly LIVES with me (chance to ask Q&As)
* Recipes
* Motivational tips
* Support
It will be light hearted and fun and a perfect way to get yourself ready for the most amazing, healthiest and happiest year yet!
NO Crazy Fad Diets
NO Stupid workout routines
Just Motivational Support and positivity
Come and join me FREE 30 Day motivational group (LINK BELOW) and surrounded yourself with like minded people and get the support and motivation you need.
Jen x
A Year of Gratitude
Join me for a whole year of Gratitude over here: @mygratefulyear2020
I will be posting every single day about what I am grateful for and Id LOVE you to come over and join me and share your gratitude for life and all its wonderfulness with me
Spread the love and tell all your friends to come join
Insta gram – @mygratefulyear2020
Jen x
What did 2019 and the Decade bring and teach you?
What has this decade taught you?
What has this decade brought you?
For me…this decade has shown me how strong I really am and also shown me how I can achieve my dreams
At the beginning of the decade I was in a job I hated and I was really unhappy and Id say unwell
I lost a long term relationship (which turned out to be the bet thing that ever happened to me…although didn’t see it at the time)
I also lost my Best Friend, my Grandad…..and I never though I could survive that loss
I Left the Job
I got over the Relationship
I built my business and made it a success
Ive travelled all over the USA (and other parts)
I lost my grandad….BUT it brought out a strength I didn’t know
Ive seen friends get married
Ive lost friends
Ive gained new friends
Ive seen babies come into the world
Ive nearly given up – BUT I never
I had a mini breakdown….but Im here and I survived and Im faking strong!
Im lucky
I have so many memories and even the bad ones have taught me lessons
Thanks for everyone who’s been part of the past decade…..whether you have been a blessing or a lesson….you have all played a part in my decade and I am forever grateful
Lessons Learnt
Hearts Broken
But I keep smiling and know the future is bright
Bring on 2020
2020….here we go
I do this every year and its a great way to look back over the year and see all the highs and look at everything you’ve achieved and experienced
Cant wait to start again
Why not give it a go
Jen x
Eat, Drink and Be Merry
Eat, Drink and Be Merry
YES Its Christmas FFS….stop stressing about how many lbs you “might” put on or how much you’ve eaten or drank…..because do you know what…..ITS OK
It really his OK to Eat and Drink this Christmas
YOU DO NOT……………DO NOT have to worry about how much exercise you need to do to burn off all the food and drinks
Enjoy it all
Its Christmas….the time to Eat, Drink and Be Merry and spend time with those you love and just let go
Please this Christmas DONT Stress about food, drink or the lack of exercise you will be doing….
Please this Christmas DONT think you need to exercise to “burn off” what you’ve eaten and drank….it doesn’t work like that
Start a healthy relationship with food and know its Christmas and its OK
Life is there to be LIVED and Food/Drink is there to be ENJOYED
If you fancy a workout over Christmas….go for it…off you dont then simply just DONT
If you wanna eat your body weight in food…then go for it, just please DONT beat yourself up after
If you wanna eat healthy and stay on track then go for it
……but please make sure whatever choice it is…makes you HAPPY
F**K the Stress and Worry about weight gain…it really isnt worth it
Go Enjoy Christmas…YOU WAY!!
Jen x
I am excited to announce that I will be bringing my 1-2-1 and Group Personal Training back in 2020…..BUT only for a limited few
After a lot of thought and also a lot of requests I have decided to get back into PT…..I won’t have many available slots, as I like to be able to give 100% to clients and provide the best for them
If you are interested in becoming 1 of my clients please email me on [email protected] and tell me all about WHY you want to PT with me and what your goals and aspirations are….and I shall get back to you ASAP
I will be PTing from Crew42 Gym – which is by Costco….provides FREE Parking too, as I said I will have LIMITED availability.
I am NOT a registered nutritionist so therefore I can advise on diet, cals etc BUT I can not give full nutritional advise, as its NOT in my remit
So remember…..If you are interested in becoming 1 of my clients please email me on [email protected] and tell me all about WHY you want to PT with me and what your goals and aspirations are….and I shall get back to you ASAP
Looking forward to working with some amazing women in 2020
Jen x
Are you getting caught up in the hustle and bustle?
Running round crazy?
Feeling stressed?
This time of year should be magical, being around our loved ones and being happy…not running round crazy and stressing yourself out!! This is YOUR SIGN to stop….right now
Just stop and take a minute to breath
Take a minute to connect with your heart
Give yourself a gift….Stop, Breath, Be
Full Moon Energies!
Ive seen a lot of people posting about how they are feeling a little frazzled, down and just out of sorts….on Thursday we have a FULL MOON…its the last one of the Year, Last one of the Decade and also falls on 12:12
When we have a full moon emotions and energy can be high, we can feel all different emotions and sometimes we dont know why
My advice is too be Kind to yourself, Nurture yourself and most of all LOVE yourself…..allow yourself to feel these emotions and know they will pass as the moon starts to wane after Thursday
The moon affects the tides
We are 80% water
The moon of course affects us
Ride it out
Be Kind
Self Love
Cry if u must…its OK to release whatever needs to be released
Love and Light Jen x
Just seen this pop up on TV
What the actual F**K
We dont eat food to then feel the need to burn it off
FOOD is an essential part of life….
NO FOOD ISNT a reward for being “good” – we aren’t dogs
NO FOOD isnt an indicator of how hard you should then go at the gym
OMG I AM raging!!!!
This is the worst idea ever!!!
In no way does this make sense…..for 1. We are all different so NAH and for 2. Its the worst idea ever…proper tory idea behaviour that!!
We should NOT see food as this
When we eat food, we do it fo fuel ourselves, m satisfy our hunger and cravings and just to bloody enjoy it….we should not be thinking how much exercise we have to do afterwards to burn off what we have just eaten!!!!
This is how people are getting bad relationships with food
If you have eaten something, just be grateful you were able to eat it, enjoy it and get over it!!
DO NOT go out an do some crazy exercise to “burn it off”
(Yes I am aware that being in a “calorie deficit” is whats needed to lose weight but that isnt the point of this rant)
Over and Out
Jen x