Stress Bucket??
Think of a bucket….you keep adding to it but there is no outlet….so the bucket becomes full and spills out….well our lives can get like this and I like to call it the “Stress Bucket”
Life is full of stressors…but not all are bad, everything in our life (even if we love it) stresses the body or mind in some way – as it adds to what we need to do/think about on a daily basis……if we dont create a good “life balance” our own stress bucket will spill out and then this can bring on illness and anxiety etc
We are always trying to do more, be busy and take on more…..and whilst this is all well and good and we have the best intentions……this is causing our own bucket to get full, and unless we take some time out, release some thing and let go……its guna spill over
We need to find that balance and also learn to say NO when we dont have the time or the energy to add anymore in – its OK to say No and its OK to take time out
Weight up everything you are adding into the bucket…what are you doing to make space? Make time? Empty some of the bucket??
We need to be able to take time to rest, recover, breathe and just be – we cant be everything to everyone and I think sometimes we forget this…we thrive on being busy and think it makes us look like a super hero….but it doesn’t, because in all fairness… actually cares or is bothered
Start making holes in your bucket and letting some of the “stressors go”…because if not the bucket will get too full…and then BAM!!!! This is when we get sick, tired, depressed!!!
What will you do to your bucket this week??
Heart Health (Emotional)
HEART HEALTH – from. A different perspective
Whilst the Health of our heart is often just seen as a physical thing….with the heart beats, exercise and good Nutrition….we also need to make sure our heart is Healthy on an emotional and spiritual level
Our Heart Chakra is our 4th Chakra in the Body and embodies all things Love, Compassion, Kindness and Forgiveness and Healing
We need to also make sure we look after our Emotional Heart Health…lots of things can happen that can throw this Chakra out of balance…anything from grief, heartbreak or just feeling down and not in-tune with yourself
To Keep our Hearts Emotionally healthy – here are some of my top tips:
- Breathe – seriously take time to breathe and connect to your heart
- Rose Quartz Crystals – as a crystal or jewellery
- Get some Reiki
- Show yourself some Love…be kinder to yourself and take time for YOU
- Forgive yourself and others…to make space in your heart for more
- Accept LOVE
- Give LOVE
- Write down things you are grateful for
- Meditate
Its OK to feel this way, but we deserve to feel and be LOVE always
Jen x
Heart Health (Physical)
You can go on to the British Heart Foundations Website and get publications, leaflets and much more….but I wanted to write this little article about Heart Health
How a healthy heart works
Your heart is a muscle about the size of a fist. It is in the middle of your chest tilted slightly to the left.
Each day, your heart beats about 100,000 times. It pumps about 23,000 litres (5,000 gallons) of blood around your body.
This blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body, and carries away unwanted carbon dioxide and waste products. Your heart is a vital part of your cardiovascular system.
How can you help keep your Heart Healthy?
1. Exercise
Helps keep the heart strong
Reduces risk of heart disease
Reduces Cholesterol
Reduces Blood Pressure
Increases Energy
Reduces Stress
It doesn’t have to be a big challenge you set yourself…small steps of you are starting out:
Small Changes
As little as 10mins a day counts
Be realistic with your goals
Make it part of your day (take the stairs, walk on lunch)
Variety – mix it up
Reward progress with a massage
Join a group and get support
2. Healthy Eating
Regular Meals
Veggies in your diet
Reduce Salt Intake
Eliminate “Bad” Fats
Eat Fish
Stay Hydrated
Eat “Good” Fats
Don’t go crazy, and don’t avoid food….just change your lifestyle and eat healthy:
Keep a food diary
Plan and Prepare Meals
Resist Temptation
3. Eliminate/Reduce Stress
Stress isn’t a direct factor but it is a contributor. The more you stress, the more stress you put on your heart and it’ll also have an effect on your diet and exercise….so really it all needs to work hand in hand
Make positive Lifestyle Changes
Positive, Healthy changes to Diet
Seek support if needed
Take time out
All the above points work hand in hand and they all support each other.
Start small and prioritise and work through a way to lead the happiest and healthiest lifestyle you can
You Deserve it
Your HEART Deserves it
Give it the love it needs….for LIFE!!!
Jen x
Social Media….
Social Media – its a job in itself
Every Post, Comment, Blog, Article, Video, Message, Email, Website content…….everything you see posted is all ME.
I dont have a social media team or an assistant….its ME
I research everything
I edit all my videos
I write and post all the content
Please know that everything I post is from the heart and is there to help, inspire and motivate you
I spend at least 2 days a week working on Social Media and all the content….Im constantly researching, reading and attending courses when I can
If there is something you wanna see me post about…then let me know
I do hope all my content is received well – I really do enjoy this side of my business but it is deffo a job in itself
Jen x
End of Chapter 1….
And just like that….its the LAST day in Jan!! Literally was just Christmas!!
How has Jan treated you?
I know for a lot of people Jan has been a tough month…..its a time when we have the Christmas Blues, We dont see enough sunlight and get enough fresh air…..payday seems like a million years away and we just feel “down” but dont quite know why
WELL DONE you survived the month…..even if you didn’t achieve anything…so what?? You are here and we gain again into Feb!!
Dont put pressure on yourself…..not even started those goals?? Thats ok….we have another 11 months
Take a big deep breath
Remind yourself of your worth
Close your eyes
Take another big deep breath
Open your eyes
And keep moving forward
Leave behind anything you dont want to take forward into Feb and the rest of 2020
Jen x
Imbolc, in the Celtic seasonal calendar marks the beginning of the lambing season and signals the beginning of Spring and the stirrings of new life.
It is the promise of renewal, of hidden potential, of earth awakening and life-force stirring. Here is hope. We welcome the growth of the returning light and witness Life’s insatiable appetite for rebirth.
It is time to let go of the past and to look to the future, clearing out the old, making both outer and inner space for new beginnings. This can be done in numerous ways, from spring cleaning your home to clearing the mind and heart to allow inspiration to enter for the new cycle.
Imbolc is traditionally the great festival and honouring of Brigid (Brighid, Bride, Brigit), so loved as a pagan Goddess that her worship was woven into the Christian church as St Bridget. She is a Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility to the land and its people and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect.
Herbs of Imbolc:
Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Violets, and all white or yellow flowers.
Foods of Imbolc:
Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Poppyseed Cakes, muffins, scones, and breads, all dairy products, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Raisins, Spiced Wines and Herbal Teas.
Incense of Imbolc:
Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh.
Colors of Imbolc:
White, Pink, Red, Yellow, lt. Green, Brown.
Stones of Imbolc:
Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise.
Need Recipe Ideas?
I dont believe in Fad Diets, Detoxes or Slimming Pills/Teas
What I do believe in is Good Nutrition, that helps fuel you and give you nutrients, energy and help you live a happy and healthy lifestyle
Im not a qualified Nutritionist and Im not perfect – I mean who is??
What I am in a Fitness Professional who will always research and find the best information for clients and help as much as I can
Thats why Ive created this my “Super 30 Ebook”….its 90 – YES 90 Recipes all in 1 book – Recipes that can be used by all the family, no calorie counting, no sins or points…just good food to help you live a healthy lifestyle
30 Brekkie
30 Lunches
30 Evening Meals
All this for just £10 – its an Ebook that will be automatically delivered to your inbox when you buy
Invest in your health all for just £10 (thats less that 1p a recipe)
Ive only got 10 available at this special price of just £10..
Wanna grab a bargain?
Click HERE:-
Jen x
Are you ready?
Ready to let go of 2019?
Ready to walk into 2020 and make your dreams come true?
Its great to be able to reflect on the year gone and then be able to look forward to the new year and write down all our goals, hopes and dreams!
Writing it all down helps us process it all and be able to action all the plans we have
I have created the “Soul Connection” Ebook….as a tool to be able to help you put all your dreams down and action them
The Ebook includes
Reflections from 2019
Biggest Wins
Daily Affirmations
Monthly Goals Sheets
Plus a BONUS of Free Full and New Moon Sheets
Need some help creating the best year yet?
Why not invest just £5 into yourself and get a plan in place
The Soul Connection Ebook just £5
Jen x
Crystals for the New Year!
Crystals that will help you go into 2020 in a positive frame of mind, help protect your energy and bring you happiness
New Year Crystal Packs available for just £6 – all cleansed and charged with reiki energy
Amethyst – Helps to make wise decisions, bring balance into the body. Its a calming and soothing crystal and helps free you from additions. Its also great for connecting to your spirituality
Aventurine – Helps to manifest what we want into our lives. Brings us luck and wealth
Black Onyx/ Hematite – Helps protect against negative energy and Protect us
Carnelian – Helps boost our motivation and self-confidence and helps with our creativity and power
Citrine – The happy Crystal. Helping us to achieve and follow our dreams. Citrine is also the crystal of prosperity and happiness
Clear Quartz – The Master Crystal. Helps harness the energy of the crystals and increase energy. Expanding our mind and letting intention in
Rose Quartz – All about Love….internal an external. A crystal for healing and bring love into your life
Tigers Eye – All about your Personal Power. Achieving goals and giving you ill power when needed. This crystal will boost energy and motivation and is very positive
New Year Crystal Packs available for just £6 – all cleansed and charged with reiki energy
MY BIGGEST TIP for January
If you are changing or doing anything this month then my BIGGEST TIP is Drink Water
Sound simple right??…..but how many of us forget or just dont drink enough and then wonder why we feel drained?
Over Christmas we often eat all the lovely food….and stuff we may not eat all the time, we drink more than usual and maybe dont move as much and then this can leave us feeling lethargic, puffy and just a bit “blahhh”….You body is crying for some H20!!!
Grab a water bottle now and go fill it up..leave it on your desk, by the bed and take one when your out and about (and of course when at the gym)
The Body NEEDS Water and is crying out
Getting hydrated will help with your energy levels, skin and just make you feel so much better
Jen x